Investigating  the unexplained since 1977... 

Ghost Research Society


GRS Equipment
Ghost Trackers Newsletter

GRS History

GRS In Action

GRS Merchandise

Meet the Team


Dale Kaczmarek

Chain of Command

Media Appearances

You Tube Videos


Frequently Asked Questions


Excursions Into The Unknown Inc.
Tour Information


Ghost Research Society Press
Dale Kaczmarek

Jim Graczyk

Joey Tito

Tamara Shaffer

Wyatt Cox

Patrick Burke

Michael Connelly


GRS Investigations
Old South Pittsburg Hospital

Spooklight Road

Polish Museum of America

That Steak Joynt

Rico D's

Hooter's Restaurant

Prospect Place

Thornhaven Manor

Waverly Hills Sanitarium

Mansfield Reformatory

Ashmore Estates

McPike Mansion

Lemp Mansion

Fort Mifflin

Mineral Springs Hotel

Brumder Mansion

Bartonville Asylum

Moundsville Prison

Antietam Battlefield

Bobby McKay's 

Thomas House

Hillview Manor

....and many more...


Haunted Sites

Bachelors Grove Cemetery

Biograph Theater

Clarence Darrow Bridge

Eastland Disaster

Ethyl's Party

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

Hull House

Jewish Waldheim Cemetery

Mount Carmel Cemetery

Resurrection Cemetery

Robinson Woods

St. James Church & Cemetery 

St. Valentine's Day Massacre


Feature Articles

Anatomy of an Investigation

Animal Ghosts

A Typical Ghost?

Haunted Battlefields

Humorous Ghost Stories

In Search of the Elusive Ghost

Ouija Not  A Game

Poem by Stan Suho


Ghost Photographs

Explainable "Ghost Photos"

Ghost Photos from the GRS Collection

Submitting a photo for analysis


Mutual Links

Paranormal Links to the GRS


Ghost Tours

















     The Ghost Research Society was formed as a clearing house for reports of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeist and life after death encounters. The society members actively research and investigate all reports that come their way including private homes and businesses. The society also analyzes alleged spirit photographs, video and audio tapes that they come across from ordinary people or society members.




Media mail rates now added for book shipments. Rates start at just $2.80 for the first book shipped. Less expensive than priority.


All the GRS evidence (both audio & video) is now up in GRS Investigations & Haunted Sites!!



Those submitting photos for analysis, please CLICK HERE, and then scroll to the bottom of that page for instructions.








You may buy merchandise online using Pay Pal or credit cards.




Solar X-rays:
Geomagnetic Field





Make a donation to the Ghost Research Society!


Books by

 Dale Kaczmarek

Windy City Ghosts  
ISBN: 0-9766072-0-4



Windy City Ghosts II
ISBN: 0-9766072-1-2



Field Guide To 

Spirit Photography
ISBN: 0-9666072-3-9



Illuminating The Darkness 

(The Mystery of Spooklights)
ISBN: 0-9766072-5-5


Field Guide to Ghost Hunting Techniques

ISBN: 978-9797115-1-0


Field Guide to Haunted Highways & Bridges  
ISBN: 978-0-9797115-5-8










Ghost Research Society (
© 1997/2022 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.