By Nicole
Introduction to Electronic Voice
of the most common techniques that paranormal investigators employ when
conducting investigations is the use of Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP.
EVP is a common phenomenon in the paranormal world where by voices or
sounds are picked up on analog/digital voice recorders, but not heard at the
time of actual recording. Thus,
sounds and/or voices are only heard upon playback of recordings.
An analog tape recorder or digital voice recorder is the most common
device for obtaining EVP. However,
voices and/or sounds have been known to appear on answering machines, radios and
cell phones from time to time. Some
of the most common sounds documented, consist of knocking, banging, tapping,
rapping, footsteps and other non-verbal noises.
Voices can range from a minute whisper all the way to a recognizable word
or phrase.
two methods of EVP that I integrate while investigating the paranormal realm are
active and passive EVP. Active EVP
entails the investigator asking questions to the spirit world, in hopes of
receiving a response. The questions
are usually in a YES/NO format, because it may be easier for the entity to
respond in a one-word fashion. The
other method of EVP is known as passive, where the investigator sets his or her
recorder down and lets it continuously trace voices or sounds.
In my opinion, I personally like to use active EVP more often, simply
because I enjoy my attempts at communicating to the spirit world.
Most experienced investigators use the active approach.
With the passive approach, meaning that you set your recorder somewhere
and let it roll, you HAVE to make sure that the environment your recorder is in
is controlled. For example, make
sure that all doors and windows are closed at all times and that no one enters
the room. If someone enters the
room, he or she should state it and the time they leave the room.
NEVER walk around with your recorder in attempts of acquiring an EVP
because there is too much room for erroneous noise that might be mistaken for
actual spirit communication.
Theories and Classifications
are different theories for and classifications of Electronic Voice Phenomena.
Telekinesis is one of the main theories of how Electronic Voice Phenomena
works. Telekinesis or T.K. is
basically the ability of the mind to influence a physical object.
Thus, there seems to be some speculation that an entity's energy can
manipulate the investigator's recording device, thereby producing audible voices
or sounds. EVP can be classified
into three main categories: Class A, Class B and Class C.
The following is a detailed explanation of the three different modules.
Class A: An identifiable word or phrase loud enough to be heard without
the aid of headphones. Everyone
agrees on what is said.
Class B: A word or phrase that may not be recognizable by every investigator,
but can be heard without the use of headphones.
Class C: A word or phrase that is not identifiable and needs to be
perceived with the use of headphones; very soft and faint
Class R: R stands for
Reversible. Occasionally, if you
reverse the audio or segment an identifiable word or phrase is understood in reverse.
is very important that investigators are knowledgeable of the various theories
of EVP, as well as being able to differentiate between the three categories of
EVP. Researchers are studying this
phenomenon in hopes to better comprehend why and how it exists.
In my opinion, knowledge leads to a greater understanding of and
appreciation for the cosmic world of the paranormal.
The Electronic Voice Phenomena
investigators should be mandated to have a well-rounded understanding of EVP, as
well as the techniques for conducting a successful session while investigating.
It is highly imperative that researchers are in a positive frame of mind
while carrying out an EVP session. Additionally,
investigators should become familiar with the environment and location of where
the session will take place. Furthermore,
it is imperative to have good nutrition and adequate sleep before partaking in
an investigation. It is a good idea
to always allow a minimum of two seconds in between questions because it may
take entities a little longer to generate a response.
I commonly allow five to ten seconds or more in between questions.
It is vital that investigators never whisper or never talk in a low voice
while the EVP session is taking place.
The following are techniques and suggestions for administering an EVP
meeting. Note: The following more or
less applies to active EVP sessions.
1. State investigator's name,
location, date, time of day, atmospheric conditions, number of people present,
lighting conditions, temperature conditions, etc.
Introduce person conducting EVP.
Ask permission to speak to entities and let them know that you are not
harming them in any way. Your intention is to get to know them and to
communicate with them.
Tell the entities that you will respect them and ask for respect from
them as well. Follow the basic
Golden Rule.
5. It is a good idea to document
sounds that may originate from investigators present to differentiate between
human and entity sounds.
Document different levels of investigator voices, coughing and
footprints, etc.
NEVER whisper or talk in a low voice.
1. Again, you can introduce
person conducting EVP session. It
is recommended to have ONE
Again, tell the entities that you will respect them and ask for respect
in return.
Tell the entities that you have a recorder, which records sounds and
Thus, let them know that they are free to talk and/or make noise into the
4. Start EVP session by asking
some common YES/NO questions. The
following are some questions that I commonly ask.
NOTE: Not all of the following questions have to be asked in the same
Is there anyone here who would like to talk to me?
If you would like to communicate, can you show me a sign of your
Can you tell me how old you are?
Did you live or work here?
Are there any children here that would like to talk to me?
- If you don't want to talk, can
you make a loud noise for me? If you
do want to make a noise, can
you knock or bang or tap?
- Can you make loud footsteps
for me?
- Can you please show yourself
to me and/or other investigators?
- Are you afraid? Are
you scared? Are you sad?
Are you happy?
Are you angry? Are you shy? Are
you bothered? Etc… any questions pertaining to emotions.
- Do you miss your family and/or
- Do you like being here in this
- Would you like to leave?
Thus, would you like help?
- Are you bothered or upset that
I am asking you questions?
If so, can you please tell me so?
-Do you mind that I am talking
to you and asking you questions?
-Is there anything else that I
should know?
-Is there anything else that you
would like to tell me?
so, can you please tell me now?
Some questions might not include
YES/NO questions. YES/NO questions
are commonly asked because it may be easier for the ghost or spirit to answer in
a YES/NO format. NON YES/NO
questions might include: (not necessarily in this order)
1. What happened to you?
2. What is your name(s)?
3. Are you male or female?
4. What would you like me to do?
5. How would you like me to help
6. Where do you want to go?
7. Where are you from?
8. Where do you live?
9. When were you born?
10 What job do you have?
11. What do you like to do?
12. What year is it?
13. Who is the president of The
United States?
14. What are you wearing?
15. Ask pertaining questions to
entity you are trying to reach, if he/she is popularly known for doing something
in particular (dancing, holding a teddy bear, swimming, singing, holding a high
position, etc.)
For example:
If I was trying to communicate to the little female ghost aboard the
Queen Mary who is seen holding a teddy bear, then I would also include some
questions, such as:
1. What is your teddy bear's
2. Where did you get your teddy
3. Who gave you your teddy bear?
4. Do you like to cuddle with
your teddy bear?
5. Do you have other stuffed
6. Do you miss your mommy and
7. Did you travel with your
mommy and daddy on the ship?
8. What grade are you in?
It is a good idea to ask
questions that cater to the entity that you are trying to get in touch with.
For example, if you are trying to communicate to the little female child
ghost aboard the Queen Mary, who likes to sing "Ring around the Rosy,"
you can ask some questions about the song as well as the general questions.
1. Can you please sing for me?
2. What is your favorite song?
3. Can you sing Ring around the
Rosy for me?
4. Would you like to sing it
5. Do you sing other songs?
6. Are you looking for your
mommy and daddy?
1. Thank the entities for
participating with you.
2. Let them know that you are
going to listen to the recordings entirely.
3. Make sure you are rested and
have good nutrition before reviewing data.
4. Set time aside for data
review. I like to do thirty
minute intervals with a five minute break in between.
5. Have note pad, pen and clock
6. Document any unusual results.
7. Enhance or edit results if
necessary. KNOW your software
program and editing tools.
8. Share results among fellow
investigators. Note: try to prevent
investigator bias when reviewing data.
9. Share results with owner or
manager of location investigated.
10 Send your audio clips to the EVP Specialist as well and to the Case Manager(s).
Software Programs
Adobe Audition, Pro-Tools,
Acoustica, Audacity, Wave Pad, etc. I
use Adobe Audition and recommend it.
Allow for some creativity when
doing EVP sessions or when investigating in general.
For example, invite entities to join in a picture with you as you are
simultaneously conducting the EVP meeting. After
all, the majority of the ones you are trying to reach were people just like you
and me. Thus, talking to them as you
would a family member or friend might prove beneficial in your results.
Spirits not only learn from investigators, but investigators can learn
from the spirits as well. Always be
respectful and courteous and follow The Golden Rule.
Happy Ghosting!
There are many resources available for studying and learning about Electronic Voice Phenomena. The American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena, or AA-EVP, website includes invaluable information and resources about this phenomenon. In addition, other common and reputable paranormal websites also detail information about EVP. In my opinion, it is important to also be well-read about the paranormal world. The following is a list of some of the respectable books about Electronic Voice Phenomena and the paranormal field, which can also be found on the AA-EVP website. You can find out more about these and other readings and resources on the AA-EVP website:
1. The Ghost of 29 Megacycles by
John G. Fuller
2. The Scole Experiment:
Scientific Evidence for Life After Death by Grant and Jane Solomon in
conjunction with The Scole Experimental Group
3. ITC Journal 2004 Conference
4. Voices From the Tapes:
Recordings from the Other World by Peter Bander
5. Phone Calls From The Dead by
D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless
6. Surviving Death, Evidence of
the Afterlife by Geoff Viney
7. Voices of The Dead—Radio
Broadcast, Psychokinetic Power—Or Messages From Beyond the Grave…? by Susy
8. Handbook of Psychic
Discoveries by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
9. Talks with The Dead by
William Addams Welch
10. After We Die, What Then? by
George Meek
11. Breakthrough: An Amazing
Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead by Konstantin Raudive
Every Place I go is Haunted by Richard L. Smith
The Dead Are Alive by Harold Sherman
Conversations Beyond the Light by Dr. Pat Kubis and Mark Macy in
association with Continuing Life Research
Miracles in the Storm by Mark H. Macy
Contact the Other Side, Seven Methods for Afterlife Communications by
Voice Transmissions With The Deceased by Friedrich Jurgenson
True Experiences in Communicating With The Dead edited by Martin Ebon
True Hauntings, Spirits with a Purpose by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.
Evidence from Beyond, An Insider's Guide to the Wonders of Heaven—and
life in the New Millennium by Ruth Taylor
Voices of Eternity by Sarah Estep
22. I'm Still Here by Martha
23. Roads to Eternity by Sarah
24. There is No Death and There
are No Dead by Tom and Lisa Butl
Ghost Research Society (
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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek