Tragic Events Tour

Join us on a 3-4 hour ghost tour through downtown Chicago and the south suburbs as we retell the tragic, horrific tales from Chicago's past; many that have lead to ghost stories to date, including: Eastland disaster, Iroquois Theater fire, Ft. Dearborn Massacre, the great Chicago fire, curse of the John Hancock Building, the Marshall Field Jr. house, German Church Road and many others.

There will be many off the bus stops including a walk down the alleyway behind the former Iroquois theater where many jumped to their deaths to escape the fire and which may be haunted today. You won't want to miss this opportunity!

The tour starts at 7pm sharp and is strictly limited to 13 people on each tour so that you will receive a more personal touch and be able to exit the vehicle at more locations than any other bus tour in Chicago

Make your reservations now while seats are still available!!

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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek