Bell Family Cemetery Investigation

The graves of John William Bell, Jr. (1793-1862), Elizabeth Gunn Bell (11-23-1806 - 1-6-1856) and  Zadok Bell (4-21-1833 – 1-13-1857), one of the children of John Bell, Jr are buried on the former John Bell, Jr home and currently is located off a farmer’s field that is marked with a stone marker indicating the former home and further down behind the tree line marks the location of John Bell, Sr. home. At one time they had over 1,000 acres of land.

Zadok was a very popular attorney and quite wealthy. He died in Alabama and the family brought him up here to be buried. John Bell III, his last and youngest son actually wound up going to an insane asylum, passing away and the family brought him back here as well. The Bells lost many children which are buried here also.




Address: North of N. Garrett Road, Robertson County, Adams, Tennessee 37010





Hauntings: Not any known reports of paranormal activity however much of the family was indeed haunted by The Bell Witch that many thought to have been Kate Batts, however this was never proven. It is said that John Sr. was actually poisoned by the witch and the curse of the Bell Witch is allegedly said to haunt at least one Bell Family member per generation.

So, with that knowledge, it is any wonder that the family was haunted by this supernatural entity throughout their collective lifetimes?






The GRS investigated the Bell Family Cemetery on July 10, 2021 and the team included: Mike Rosario and Dale Kaczmarek with help from Steve Litteral, former director of Tinker Swiss Cottage..








Equipment setup: Rosario had a Nightshot camera on a tripod along with a digital recorder with a windscreen. (It was a somewhat windy day) Also employed were other digital recorders and a cellphone broadcasting a Live Facebook session.

Experiments performed: A single EVP session was conducted near the grave of John Bell Jr.

Personal experiences;

Mike Rosario: Our investigation at this cemetery located in Adams, Tennessee, took off at approximately 2pm with Dale Kaczmarek, Steve Litteral, and me.  Weather was hot and a bit humid outside.  Equipment used was my K-II meter; a Philips VoiceTracer Digital Voice Recorder; a DVC 4K Ultra HD 48mp Night Shot Digital Video Camcorder; and an Apple iPhone 8-Plus 256GB Smartphone for exterior HD pictures and videos.

For this investigation, I was accompanied by Dale and Steve, and we pretty much stuck together as one group for this investigation.  Such an amazing and very beautiful location at that.  A bit challenging to get there, as the terrain was somewhat grassy and uneven, but definitely accessible.  I began by doing my usual K-II sweeps in and around the cemetery grounds.  My base reading was very low (around a constant 1.4-1.6mG).  It was quiet and calm outside with very little disturbances.  Only the wind had picked up a bit every now and then.  Afterwards, I began taking some pictures and videos in hopes of capturing some good visual and audio evidence whilst we were there. 

The three of us stayed for a short while, and had asked some questions about the land in general, and who was with us in spirit form whilst we were there.  We asked if John Junior or his family was there with us.  There were several graves in this main plot, and began asking for information about the people buried under some of these stones. We even did a Phasma Box session there as well.

Evidence: upon reviewing all of my evidence, I didn’t have any visual evidence on my DVC camcorder or any audible evidence from my voice recorder.  There were no disembodied voices at all during this session, unfortunately.


Dale Kaczmarek: A somewhat remote area located between private farmland. It was an adventure just getting to this location as the road wasn’t much more than a cattle trail and it was even to bottom out one’s car if one proceeded with too much speed.

We were a little rushed so we didn’t spend much time here and decided to move on to Fort Donelson and other sites along the way. Nothing was captured on any recording devices and the Wi-Fi was spotty at best.

Evidence collected: None!

Conclusions: An interesting location indeed. Just prior to arriving here we had decided to visit Bellwood Cemetery where quite a few Bell Family and relatives are buried. We didn’t conduct any EVP sessions there but decided to come to the Bell Family Cemetery instead.

Unfortunately the former Bell Family land it now owned and is private property. We always respect private land even though it wasn’t officially posted as such. It would have been neat to actually visit the exact land where this major paranormal event had taken place. The phenomena and hauntings are well documented in books, movies and local libraries and historical societies. It would have been quite a walk anyways to step foot on the John Bell Sr. property.

We will perhaps travel back down this ways in 2022 and visit the Bell Witch Cave and recreation of the old Bell Cabin. It was closed due to the pandemic so all we could do there by the gate was take some zoomed in pictures of the site. We will come back down here again perhaps on our Alabama trip in 2022.

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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek