GRS Bloopers

Bachelor's Grove trespasser while conducting a special nighttime investigation at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Midlothian, IL, a couple of intruders were captured on FLIR and then flashlights that combed the darkness. Towards the end of the clip you can hear the intruder say, "Stop shining the light on me!"

Bartonville black apparition During an investigation of Bartonville Asylum in Bartonville, IL on November 9, 2012, Kathie Para and Marge Sucha both experienced an apparition of something black, low to the ground, that suddenly disappeared into nowhere. It was unfortunately behind the static IR camcorder, so it was recorded, just their reactions.

Bartonville Asylum Blooper at Bartonville Asylum in Bartonville, IL

Black Moon Manor1 Lisa Krick gets very startled by a mannequin in the basement of the former Black Moon Manor formerly in Greenfield, IN.

Black Moon Manor2 while conducting an EVP session in the Well Room of the former Black Moon Manor in Greenfield, IN, a mouse is seen climbing around before ducking down the well.

Camp Douglas while asking a question for the spirits to manipulate the other devices during the Camp Douglas investigation in Chicago, IL, Stan inadvertently answers the question causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Edinburgh Manor while in the basement of Edinburgh Manor in Monticello, IA, Kaczmarek spies an old piano and does his rendition of Dr. Venkman's parody from the movie Ghostbusters as he taps quickly on the highest keys and says, "It's Dr. Venkman. They hate this."

Elburn Community Center1 while walking in total darkness in the kitchen area of Elburn Community Center in Elburn, IL, Stan Suho trips over an uneven patch of floor.

Elburn Community Center2 while walking in low-light conditions at Elburn Community Center in Elburn, IL, Stan Suho trips over a passive IR detector which sets it off loudly.

First Ward Schoolhouse while conducting an EVP session in the Family Room of First Ward Schoolhouse in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, a rather large bat begins to swoop around creating havoc among some members in this blooper reel.

Ft. Miflin while conducting an EVP session at Ft. Miflin in Philadelphia, PA , suddenly Jim Graczyk's flashlight slips and crashes to the floor, startling everyone.

Leonard's Cave1 while conducting an EVP session inside Leonard's Cave in Red Boiling Springs, TN, the K-II meter was forced from the crevice in the wall and falls to the floor. Brian Lavigne who was in total darkness investigating another part of the cave, reacts to the loud noise in a funny way.

Leonard's Cave2 while walking in total darkness inside Leonard's Cave in Red Boiling Springs, TN, Dale Kaczmarek and Stan Suho nearly fall on a slick spot.

Mansfield Reformatory while walking through in total darkness using only the LED display on a Nightshot camcorder at Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, OH, Dale Kaczmarek followed by Jim Graczyk and Art Schramm run into a screened door.

McKinley YMCA while conducting an EVP session in the Gym of the McKinley YMCA in Champaign, IL, a question was asked about the name of the building, Stan was in the room and inadvertently answers the question himself. It was meant for the spirits that might be around.

McPike Mansion while walking in the Wine Cellar Room in Alton, IL to check his equipment, Stan Suho slips in a mud puddle.

Memorial Hall while conducting an EVP session in the basement of Memorial Hall in Rockford, IL, a question was asked, "What is the theme song of the Navy?" Inadvertently, one researcher responds with Anchor's Away which causes the rest to break out in laughter.

Mineral Springs Hotel Jerry Lutz walks right through a passive infrared motion detector and continues to walk despite the ear-piercing sound in a hallway in the Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, IL.

Nemacolin Castle Dale Kaczmarek gets spooked by a mannequin sitting in a hallway chair in Nemacolin Castle in Brownsville, PA even though he's walked past it several times already.

Old St. Joseph's Hospital During an EVP session in the Cafeteria area of old St. Joseph's Hospital in Lorrain, OH, a demonic stomach growl was heard that amused the investigators.

Paris Hospital During an EVP session in the New ER of Paris Hospital in Paris, IL, a question was asked, "Do you know who painted this painting?" Dale Kaczmarek thought someone asked him that question and he replied with "no" which sent up a round of laughter.

Tinker Swiss Cottage At the beginning of an Echovox session in the Barn of Tinker Swiss Cottage in Rockford, IL, Williams accidentally started the wrong application on his cell phone that produced "Jingle Bells" instead.

Thomas House while conducting an EVP session by the outside pool area at the Thomas House in Red Boiling Springs, TN, Nicole Tito is startled by a strange noise which is identified as a horse.

USS North Carolina while walking around with a hand-held IR camcorder and looking through only the LED screen, I stepped through a hatchway on the USS North Carolina in Wilmington, NC, only to be startled by what I thought to be a shadowy figure to my right. It turned out to be a big pipe in the darkness.

Waverly Hills Sanitarium is a blooper of a bat swooping around members in the Operating Room at Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Louisville, KY.

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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek