Beast of Bray Road Investigation

The Beast of Bray Road, also known as the Bray Road Beast and the Wisconsin Werewolf, is a purported humanoid wolf-like creature allegedly witnessed in or near the rural community of Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin.

The creature was allegedly first sighted in 1936. In the 1980s, several alleged witnesses reported the beast had made contact with their vehicles, leaving long scratch marks on doors and trunks of vehicles. One witness stated she hit something while crossing Bray Road. Upon exiting her vehicle to determine what she had hit, supposedly a large wolf-like creature with red eyes chased her back into her car; leaving claw marks in the rear passenger door. Sightings also have been reported during daylight hours, with several witnesses stating they observed an unusually large wolf-like creature running on all fours through corn fields. One stated the creature was in pursuit of a deer.

Animal mutilations have also been reported in the area around Bray Road with animal remains, including deer and livestock, partially eaten with specific organs removed from the animal carcasses. Another witness reported driving down Bray Road late one night and observed an unusually large wolf-like creature eating an animal which had been hit by a car on the side of the road. The creature reportedly ran into the woods as the eyewitness approached it in their vehicle.

Reported sightings continue, most recently in February 2018 and July 2020 when alleged witnesses observed a large, hair covered upright creature in Spring Prairie and Lyons; both in Walworth County.






Address: near Bray Road, Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121

Owner: Lee Hampel



Hauntings: Rumors persist of animal mutilations and carcasses being carried off the Hampel farm. Many strange prints have been found and photographed including some found in the snow that appeared to suddenly stop and not continue on. Where did the beast disappear to? Other reports include an upright bipedal hairy wolf-like creature crossing in front of traffic on Bray Road.







The Ghost Research Society investigated the site of the Beast of Bray Road in Elkhorn, Wisconsin August 20,  2021. Team members included: Dale Kaczmarek with help from Joe Caravello and Mark Roberts from The Insane Asylum podcast. A special thanks to Lee Hampel for allowing us on his property and showing us around for this investigation!  








Equipment setup: Several Nightshot and 4k camcorders were set up facing the field behind the barn and facing a nearby cornfield with two Afterlites IR illuminators. Other equipment used was a Thermal Tablet, Nightshot binoculars, Melmeter with proximity probe, digital recorders and cameras and a Bionic Ear listening device.

Experiments performed: Joe and Mark conducted separate EVP sessions; Mark near a swampy area where he had heard what sounded like someone walking through the cornfield and Joe near the command center behind the barn.

Most of the time we employed hand-held equipment and focused our attention on the path along the edge of the cornfield where Joe and Kaczmarek had seen something that looked kind of strange; a figure or something that was very low to the ground.

Kaczmarek used his 4K camcorder with supplemental infrared illumination and a Thermal Tablet. The three of us later walked the entire path past the cornfield and encountered nothing out of ordinary except an uneasy feeling.

Personal experiences:

Dale Kaczmarek: We were given a “hay ride” around the property by Hampel and he showed us locations where the beast was spotted, carcasses removed or footprints found. Later that evening, having unfettered access to the entire property and with a Waxing Gibbous phase of the moon, we positioned our cameras and other Nightshot equipment towards the path along the cornfield that evening.

While using the Thermal Tablet that picks up body heat and temperature fluctuations off “solid” objects, I photographed several images of what appeared to be an upright bipedal figure standing at the edge of the cornfield. It wasn’t however visible to the naked eye! I then decided to shoot some Thermal Tablet video of the figure and it appeared to be moving but again wasn’t visible to the naked eye or high-powered flashlights that were shown in that same area.

We later walked up the path and even though nothing was visibly there, most felt an uneasy feeling while walking past that area.

Evidence collected: None except some video footage of the three of us commenting on the Thermal Tablet captures and what we had experienced both audibly and visually.

Conclusions: This was a fascinating area to explore and my very first attempt at tracking down a cryptid being.  We heard some strange sounds that appeared to be distant howling but that could have been a real wolf or coyote; we couldn’t be sure. It was a very eerie location and lacked much contamination except an occasional car or airplane. Besides those sounds, it was very quiet without so much as a cricket chirping. Mosquitoes weren’t bad except those that bothered Mark near that boggy area. I had completely sprayed myself with insect repellant beforehand.

The most amazing thing that was captured was something standing upright at the edge of the cornfield on a Thermal Tablet. To date, however, I haven’t been able to locate that footage or the thermal pictures taken that evening; very strange! I’m very careful when it comes to preserving evidence. I remember extracting it from the Thermal Tablet but I still cannot find it! 

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© 2021 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek