The museum complex is built around two restored and furnished homes dating to the 1870s. Both have been designated by the State of California as Points of Historical Interest for their unique construction styles once common throughout Northern California, but virtually unknown today. They are the Laramore-Lyman House and the Taylor Log House. They were saved from demolition and moved to Fresno Flats Historical Park and restored by the volunteers of the Sierra Historic Sites Association.
Laramore-Lyman House built in the 1870s by early merchant, Robert Laramore, the
house was constructed without studs in a fashion once common in the mountains.
The house has been lived in for almost 100 years 1878-1975 by three different
families. Robert Laramore and his wife, Mary Catherine (Newton) lived there from
1878 to 1906. In 1896 Robert was killed in a runaway buggy accident while
returning from Ahwahnee. Mary Catherine sold the house in 1906 to another old
Fresno Flats family, Cecil and Cora Westfall. The house was in turn sold to
Ralph L. Lyman in 1911. He bought it for his mother, Alice, as a summer home.
Alice's daughter, Marjorie, inherited the house in 1937. She arranged extensive
remodeling, including wiring the house when electricity came to Oakhurst in
1942. She lived in the house many years. In 1973, her heirs sold the house to
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Baxter, who in turn donated it to the Sierra Historic Sites
Association. In 1975 the house was moved from its original location at the
junction of Roads 426 and 427, once the center of Fresno Flats, to the Fresno
Flats Historical Park where it was restored to its original 1870s splendor.
Flats Investigation (Oakhurst
EMF meter
While investigating the
Laramore-Lyman House the EMF meter did give a couple of above average readings
on the ground floor and also near the top of the stairs.
Upon climbing the stairs I experienced a light-headedness which I'm
sure wasn't because I was wandering around in a strange place in the dark. I
often do just that with no ill feelings. Later
as I descended the same staircase I experienced the same feeling but also as
though I was getting sick to my stomach. When
I later talked to others who were investigating that building a bit later,
without telling what I had experienced, they had apparently felt the same type
of feelings. Often where spirits are
known to be, people often get a feeling of vertigo or a tightness or pressure on
their chests.
Later while investigating an adjacent
building equipped with a piano and chairs several locations yielded above
average EMF readings including a back bathroom.
As I first entered the room and held the EMF meter about waist height and
approached the sink, I suddenly got a very strong reading which quickly
dissipated but as I panned to my rear (180 degrees), I got the same high reading
which also disappeared very suddenly as though whatever was there had moved
right through me and out the doorway. Others
who were with our group that evening felt a chill and a rush of wind exiting
that same doorway. A later sweep of
the area using the same EMF device did not yield anymore abnormal readings.
None of the other buildings seemed to as active as the two described above and no other readings or feelings were encountered or felt.
Research Assistant Jim Graczyk also joined in on this investigation and his report follows.
Equipment Used: Digital Camera 7.2 mp
As we were leaving the second floor area I did not the light headed sensation near the stairs. I cannot explain nor have a reason for those two areas of that building.
I took a few pictures throughout the entire area of this historic location but did not get anything unusual to report. No other areas within this location seemed to affect me. I do think the Laramore-Lyman House needs to be further investigated.
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© 2009 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek