on July 1-3rd in 1863 the Army of Northern Virginia led by General
Robert E. Lee clashed with the Army of the Potomac under the command of General
George Meade who was a Pennsylvanian himself. A little over 90,000 Union troops
faced an estimate of between 71,000-74,000 Confederate troops. The aftermath was
disastrous. Casualties at Gettysburg totaled 23,049 for the Union (3,155
dead, 14,529 wounded, 5,365 missing). Confederate casualties were 28,063
(3,903 dead, 18,735 injured, and 5,425 missing), more than a third of Lee's
one was the scene of both armies’ clashing just outside of town near
McPherson’s Ridge. Dismounted Calvary commanded by BG John Buford, a much
smaller regiment, held off a much larger contingent of troops under the command
of Generals Heath and Rodes until the Union Army was reinforced by the 1st
and 11th Infantry Corps of MG John Reynolds. The Union Army was
eventually pushed back through the town of Gettysburg with great loss. Sadly,
Reynolds was killed by a Confederate sharpshooter. By the end of the day, the
Union Army concentrated on Cemetery Ridge while the Confederates held Seminary
on July 1, 1863, the men of Colonel Alfred Iverson's North Carolina Brigade had
arrived at Gettysburg and were preparing to outflank the Union First Corps at
Oak Hill. This spot was the northernmost point of Seminary Ridge near the Forney
Farm. They were formed into their line of battle and advanced towards a line of
trees about 300 yards away. The Brigade was made up of the 5th, 12th, 20th, and
23rd North Carolina Infantries and numbered around 1,400 men. That line
stretched for over 400 yards as they marched shoulder to shoulder. Iverson did
not put out any skirmishers to his front as most commanders would have in order
to warn the advancing troops as to what was in front of them. To their left
front was a low stone wall but they paid it no mind, they were confident in
their success. They believed that they were about to crash through the woods and
roll up the flank of the Yankees on the other side.
the stone wall, hundreds of Union soldiers were formed under the command of
General Harry Baxter. Suddenly, a vast sheet of flame erupted from the stone
wall. Some Federal soldiers, who were crouched down behind the wall, could not
believe their good fortune at having an entire Confederate Brigade served up to
them on a platter, so they burst over the top of the wall and let loose a
withering volley at the unsuspecting rebels. Around 500 North Carolinians were
killed almost immediately and fell in straight lines just as they had marched.
In the days after the battle, they were buried in an unmarked mass grave,
virtually in the same spots where they fell. For years after, the farmer who
owned “Iverson’s Pits “claimed that his wheat grew the tallest in that
part of his field.
Iverson started forward around 2:30 P.M., things went awry at once. He too,
committed the unpardonable sin for a Brigadier General of not going forward with
his troops. With the words "Give them hell," he sent his men ahead
while he himself stayed in the rear, where he was unable to correct what soon
proved to be a fatally flawed alignment. Thus "Unwarned, unled as a
brigade, went forward Iverson's deserted band to its doom," wrote the
scribe of the North Carolina regiments. With the retreat of O'Neal's Brigade,
Iverson's left flank was exposed to Federal fire. Iverson's men veered toward a
stone wall, and Union BG Baxter's entire brigade rose up from behind it and
ambushed the surprised Confederates, pouring in a deadly fire at point-blank
range. In the initial volley, about 500 men of Iverson's men fell in a straight
line. It was perhaps the most intense one-sided minute of slaughter in the War.
The Federal forces poured volley after volley into Iverson's brigade. Iverson's
advances was slowed then stopped. Seeing an opportunity, the Federal brigade of
BG Henry Baxter counterattacked taking over 400 prisoners from Iverson's
Brigade. Many North Carolinians who didn't fall in the first volleys waved white
handkerchiefs and were quickly taken prisoner. This brigade was at the time
spoken of as having behaved badly, owing to a mistake of General Iverson who
reported to General Rodes, in the midst of the fight, that one of his regiments
had raised the white flag and gone over in a body to the enemy. The only
foundation for this report was that two of his regiments were almost entirely
surrounded in consequence of the giving way of the Alabama brigade and the
concentration of the enemy at that point, and were all either killed or captured
almost to a man. The gallant resistance, however, which they made may be shown
by a statement coming from General Rodes himself: that, riding along behind
where their line had been, he thought he observed a regiment lying down, as if
to escape the Yankee fire. On going up, however, to force them into the fight,
he found they were all corpses. A Captain rallied some of the remaining men of
the Brigade and led them until the Federals had been chased through Gettysburg.
At that point General Iverson attached his remnants to General Ramseur's
command. For the rest of the battle, he was without authority, and his men were
not again engaged.
second day of the battle was pushed by attacks by the Confederate Army in such
locations at the Wheatfield, the Peach Orchard, Triangular Field, Devil’s Den
and the Little Round Top. Additional attacks on the Union right at Culp’s Hill
were defended successfully. MG Gouvernuer K. Warren who was a civil engineer saw
that the Union Army’s extreme left flank was vulnerable and dispatched Col.
Strong Vincent’s brigade to fortify the left. It was the responsibility of
Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain of the 20th Maine that anchored the
left flank. To their right were the 83rd Pennsylvania, 44th
New York and 16th Michigan. Chamberlain was instructed to “hold to
the last man, at all costs.”
repelled numerous frontal assaults from the 15th Alabama regiment
under command by LTC Williams C. Oates of BG Evander Law’s Brigade of MG John
Bell Hood’s Division. They were joined by the 4th and 47th Alabama
Infantry and also by the 4th and 5th Texas Infantry.
Chamberlain, meanwhile, had detached Company “B” of his regiment elements
and elements of the 2nd US Sharpshooters, ordering them to take a
concealed position behind a stone wall 150 yards to the east, hoping to guard
against a Confederate envelopment.
the 15th Alabama shifting around his flank, Chamberlain ordered the remainder of
his 385 men to form a single-file line. The 15th Alabama
charged the Maine troops, only to be repulsed by furious rifle fire. Chamberlain
next ordered the southernmost half of his line to "refuse the line",
meaning that they formed a new line at an angle to the original force, to meet
the 15th Alabama's flanking maneuver. Though it endured incredible losses, the
20th Maine managed to hold through five more charges by the 15th over a
ninety-minute period. Col. Oates, commanding the regiment, described the action
in his memoirs, forty years later:
"Vincent's brigade,
consisting of the Sixteenth Michigan on the right, Forty-fourth New York,
Eighty-third Pennsylvania, and Twentieth Maine regiments, reached this position
ten minutes before my arrival, and they piled a few rocks from boulder to
boulder, making the zigzag line more complete, and were concealed behind it
ready to receive us. From behind this ledge, unexpectedly to us, because
concealed, they poured into us the most destructive fire I ever saw. Our line
halted, but did not break. The enemy was formed in line as named from their
right to left. ... As men fell their comrades closed the gap, returning the fire
most spiritedly. I could see through the smoke men of the Twentieth Maine in
front of my right wing running from tree to tree back westward toward the main
body, and I advanced my right, swinging it around, overlapping and turning their
left. I ordered my regiment to change direction to the left, swing around, and
drive the Federals from the ledge of rocks, for the purpose of enfilading their
line ... gain the enemy's rear, and drive him from the hill. My men obeyed and
advanced about half way to the enemy's position, but the fire was so destructive
that my line wavered like a man trying to walk against a strong wind, and then
slowly, doggedly, gave back a little; then with no one upon the left or right of
me, my regiment exposed, while the enemy was still under cover, to stand there
and die was sheer folly; either to retreat or advance became a necessity. ...
Captain [Henry C.] Brainard, one of the bravest and best officers in the
regiment, in leading his company forward, fell, exclaiming, 'O God! That I could
see my mother,' and instantly expired. Lieutenant John A. Oates, my dear
brother, succeeded to the command of the company, but was pierced through by a
number of bullets, and fell mortally wounded. Lieutenant [Barnett H.] Cody fell
mortally wounded, Captain [William C.] Bethune and several other officers were
seriously wounded, while the carnage in the ranks was appalling. I again ordered
the advance, knowing the officers and men of that gallant old regiment, I felt
sure that they would follow their commanding officer anywhere in the line of
duty. I passed through the line waving my sword, shouting, 'Forward, men, to the
ledge!' and promptly followed by the command in splendid style. We drove the
Federals from their strong defensive position; five times they rallied and
charged us, twice coming so near that some of my men had to use the bayonet, but
in vain was their effort. It was our time now to deal death and destruction to a
gallant foe, and the account was speedily settled. I led this charge and sprang
upon the ledge of rock, using my pistol within musket length, when the rush of
my men drove the Maine men from the ledge. ... About forty steps up the slope
there is a large boulder about midway the Spur. The Maine regiment charged my
line, coming right up in a hand-to-hand encounter. My regimental colors were
just a step or two to the right of that boulder, and I was within ten feet. A
Maine man reached to grasp the staff of the colors when Ensign [John G.]
Archibald stepped back and Sergeant Pat O'Connor stove his bayonet through the
head of the Yankee, who fell dead.”
Eventually when ammunition ran out, a bold bayonet charge caught the Rebels
off guard and won the day. Hood would lose an arm in this attack. However,
Oates also paid tribute to the courage and tenacity of his enemy when he wrote: "There
never were harder fighters than the Twentieth Maine men and their gallant
Colonel. His skill and persistency and the great bravery of his men saved Little
Round Top and the Army of the Potomac from defeat." Chamberlain
in turn extolled the bravery of his Alabama foes when he later wrote: "these
[the 15th Alabama] were manly men, whom we could befriend and by no means kill,
if they came our way in peace and good will"
The 15th Alabama spent the
remainder of the Battle of Gettysburg on the Confederate right flank, helping to
secure it against Union cavalry and sharpshooters. It took no part in Pickett's
Charge on July 3rd.
Out of 644 men engaged from the 15th Alabama at the Battle of Gettysburg, the
regiment lost 72 men killed, 190 wounded, and 81 missing. Of the 385 men from
the 20th Maine, 130 were killed, wounded or missing at battle’s
third day of the battle General Lee surmised that due to the fact that both of
the Union flanks had been attacked the previous days, the center had to be the
weak link as those flanks had to have been reinforced from the center commanded
by MG Winfield Scott Hancock. He was wrong! Since Chamberlain’s regiment had
sustained heavy losses, Hancock placed him in where he believed was the safest
place on the battlefield; the Union’s center. He was also wrong!
devised a plan where a massive artillery barrage would soften the Union’s
center at the same time the LG James Longstreet’s Corp would attack the
Union’s left flank, LG Ewell would assail the Union’s right flank on
Culp’s Hill, MG Jeb Stuart’s Calvary would ride around the right flank and
attack from the rear and MG George Pickett’s main force would charge across an
open field to attack the front center. If everything had been coordinated and
attacks had started as planned, it would have been a good plan. Attacks however
were not coordinated and the artillery did not do any significant damage as most
of the rounds flew harmlessly over the Union’s head.
around 3pm, 12,500 Confederate soldiers emerged from the tree line and marched
approximately three quarters of a mile across open field in what later was
called, “Pickett’s Charge.” Artillery crossfire from Culp’s Hill and
north of Little Round Top coupled with musket fire from Hancock’s II Corps
broke up the Confederate line. BG Lewis Armistead, after being informed that his
brigade was being flanked, pierced his hat with his sabre and the charging
Confederates used that as a rallying position and did temporarily break through
the Union lines near a small stone wall now called “The Angle”, just north
of “Copse of Trees.” Attempts were made to turn the guns on the Union Army
only to find that there was no ammunition left. Armistead was mortally wounded
in the charge. The hole was plugged by Union reinforcements who repelled the
charge and sent the Confederates streaming back towards their lines. The battle
was over.
Pickett’s troops were greeted by General Lee, “It
is all might fault,” Lee said. Lee then rode up to meet Pickett and said, “General
Pickett you must attend to your division.” Pickett replied, “General
Lee, I have no division!” The
next day July 4th, Independence Day, Lee began his retreat towards
Virginia and Meade did not pursue him much to the chagrin of Lincoln.
also were privileged to have had the opportunity of investigating the Andrew
Woods House which now houses the headquarters of Mark Nesbitt’s famous Ghosts
of Gettysburg Candlelight Walking Tours.
Heck owned the house first and expanded the one room Carriage Trimmer's shop
(1834) to the section of the house that is balconied and faces Breckenridge St.
by 1837. It was sold to Andrew Woods who owned it during the battle but lived in
Maryland and rented it to Mary Young and her daughter Mary during the battle.
David and Mary Kitzmiller bought it in 1866 and owned it until Mary died in
1914. They had two or three children; one that died in the house. It was bought
in 1997 by Mark and Carol Nesbitt.
Green Room is located in the part of the building that dates back to 1837 and it
once housed Confederate soldiers, probably from Georgia, who controlled
Gettysburg for a time. The Young’s were renting the location from Andrew
Woods. The Rebels had built a barricade across Baltimore Street at the
intersection of Breckenridge, right outside of this building. The sick and
wounded were placed on the first floor while sharpshooters were positioned
upstairs. According to interviews in 1938 by the Civilian Conversation Corps, a
wounded Union soldier was hidden here for a time by the Young’s.
When the Confederates occupied the town, he was moved to the attic
fearing capture and relocation to the Confederate POW camps. The women could
have been in big trouble if they were found harboring the enemy so one of them
feigned a fainting spell, giving the Union soldier time to escape via the
balcony to the next door house.
back and oldest room actually has a bullet hole in the door and is one of the
most active rooms in the entire building.
at: 1195 Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
17325 Telephone: 717-334-1124 Website:
Bridge has been a spot where a number of visitors claim to hear the sound of
horses crossing the bridge, seeing dark shadow figures and numerous EVPs. Iverson’s
Pits, located near Oak Hill, and during the first day’s battle while not noted
as a particularly haunted location is where over 500 men died from a few volleys
of muskets. There have been isolated reports of the sounds of moaning and the
thuds of those many who hit the ground, either wounded, killed or who tried to
stay alive and ducked for cover. Spangler
Springs was a skirmish that was fought during day two of the battle of
Gettysburg. The well itself actually provided drinking water for both sides
during the fighting. It is said to be haunted by a mysterious woman in white. The
Little Round Top is an area during day two of the battle where I actually picked
up some strange EMF fluctuations while investigating the site in 1995 with the Sightings
television show. The bottom of the hill below is aptly named the “Valley of
Death” due to all the numerous charges up this very steep hill without
success. Near
the old McPherson Farm and where MG Reynolds was killed during day one, psychics
have often picked up sensations of great sadness and even a pain in their neck
from where the fatal bullet felled Reynolds. Of
course there are many other stories including the sounds of distant gunfire or
cannon fire, apparitions seen near the Devil’s Den, screams and cries at
Pickett’s charge, phantom campfires and many, many more. At
the Andrew Woods House, the front of the building which is now used for the
headquarters of Mark Nesbitt’s famous Ghosts of Candlelight Walking Tours is
the last addition that probably dates back to the early 1900s. The sound of
balls bouncing upstairs along with footsteps has been reported in the past. The
restroom located near the stairs is active especially to females. Those that use
the facility often report the small doorknob jiggling and when the door is
opened, no one is there. It is thought that these mischievous pranks and sounds
are probably caused by the ghosts of children, perhaps that one that died in the
building. One
employee reported seeing a small child by the stairs with dirty blond hair, a
white shirt and suspenders. She said that he looked to be about four or five
years old. The
Green Room has been the scene of multiple encounters with a ghost that employees
“run into.” They say that he is very large and appears to be standing guard,
perhaps over those sick and wounded Confederate soldiers that were housed there.
Past investigators through EVP sessions have picked up the name “Hank.”
Other groups have picked up playful sounds in the front of the building while
they were investigating the back. They switched locations and set up in the
back, only to hear those same sounds now in the front of the building. In
the next room which has a counter in it, there is a bullet hole in the door, a
remnant from the war. Nesbitt showed us a picture that was taken of a wall in
that room from the adjoining Green Room. There was clearly a semi-transparent
figure in the picture. Nesbitt
himself had one of his few visual sightings in this room as well. Seeing
something out of the corner of his eye, he turned quickly only to find nothing
there. He described what he saw as a very small woman about 4’ 10” wearing a
turned-down hat with a veil and a straight skirt with pleats. It is unknown who
that woman was. The
oldest part of the building is the back room once housing a Carriage Trimming
shop from around 1834. When construction workers were laboring on the house, one
gentleman carrying a load of wood had a door open for him as though some
thoughtful ghost knew that he couldn’t open it himself. Upon passing the
threshold, the door closed ever so nicely. He told this encounter to his fellow
workers and even reproduced that same effect for them, again with his hands
full. In total, it happened to him three times that day!
The GRS investigated Gettysburg Battlefield April 20/21,
2017 and the team included: Chuck Williams, Barbara Meagher, Greg Kos, Randy
Liebeck, Sandy Weber, Damaris Miles, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, and Dale Kaczmarek with
help from Al Rauber and the Andrew Woods House was investigated in April 21,
2017 with Chuck Williams, Barbara Meagher, Greg Kos, Randy Liebeck, Rosemary
Ellen Guiley and Dale Kaczmarek
setup: During our battlefield
investigations, no equipment was set up; instead, hand-held equipment was
deployed such as Melmeters, Tri-Field Natural EM meter, Ovilus X, SB-7, SB-11,
FLIR, digital tape recorders and cameras, Energy Speaker and Nightshot
camcorders. Experiments
performed: EVP, Ovilus X and
Ghost Box sessions were performed at the Triangular Field, Iverson’s Pits,
Sach’s Bridge and the Andrew Woods House. The Energy Speaker was deployed in
the Andrew Woods House and trigger music was played at the wall by the
Triangular Field. Personal
Experiences: Chuck
Williams: The amount of history was awe
inspiring, and had a profound effect on 2 members!
To see the bullet ridden places in town, wow.
Was also able to bring home artifacts while on shopping expedition in
town. Dale did an excellent job as
tour guide. The 1st day
there was taken by tours of the battlefield.
A good deal of time was spent as Videographer using Facebook LIVE. 20th
Maine Site: Set
up for EVP session, but was overrun by sight seers.
Greg was later impressed by site after seeing Gettysburg, the film, and
stated, “Maybe we shouldn’t have been sitting on those rocks.” Equipment:
Recorder, Mel Meter. Experiments:
Session, awaiting evidence review.
Field: Equipment:
Camera shooting in 1080p IR, IR Light, Zoom Recorder, FLIR iPhone, Echovox app,
Mel Meter. Experiments:
investigated largely on own further down ridge.
Rosemary and her husband went even further down the hill.
They stated they got some sketchy hits on spirit box; Greg got hits on
his equipment. Dale
retraced his steps from previous visits where he saw a shadow figure, and was
traced with FLIR, concluded no person could have walked there due to brush.
turned up gibberish, Dale’s Ovilus X session turned up best evidence, spirit box
also turned up very little. I was
excited to have my camera focused on the area of trees that turned up some
remarkable evidence from others in the past.
As Dale pointed out, you could see little in the dark. Usually
my clairaudience kicks in, but nothing here.
Nesbitt’s Ghosts of Gettysburg HQ: It
was nice to meet Mark, and get a personal tour of his shop.
This is where things started happening for me.
Damaris was so profoundly affected by the battlefield experience, she
could no longer investigate. I would
like to investigate here again, but with a smaller group of 2-3 people.
Got to go back the next day and confront Mark with some names that came
out of investigation, and bought his whole series of Haunted Gettysburg books! Equipment:
4K camera- 1080p, Zoom recorder, Mel Meter, More Facebook LIVE. Personal
Experiences: Near
the end of the night I had 2, of course with no equipment in hand.
Near the back workshop area, I heard a hello.
In the green room, I was looking at the books, and thought I saw the
small female figure Mark talked about, out of the corner of my eye a couple of
times, and when I turned to look, no one was there.
Again, no one was with me, and I had no equipment.
spirit box, Ovilus X in all areas, except Green Room.
Bridge: Set
up here for EVP session, contamination by sightseers.
Also there was a wedding about to take place, so that limited time.
Peaceful place. Equipment:
recorder, Mel Meter, Facebook LIVE. Iverson’s
Pits: I
strongly suggested this place for investigation, because on my history review,
this was the only place which had documented spirit sightings included in the
history. It was also a new place to
Dale, and it seemed like a good idea, because more people were drawn to Little
Roundtop and Devil’s Den after-hours. Due
to tic fear, we stayed on the side of the wall and didn’t venture into the
field. Equipment:
Camera- 1080p, IR Light, Zoom Recorder, Facebook LIVE, Mel Meter.
box, Ovilus, EVP. I spent time in
between the group, and Greg. Kathie
Para joined us via Facebook LIVE. My
Mel Meter was reading a steady 4.0 here, while Dale’s was at 0.0.
Restarted it, but it climbed back to a steady 4.0.
Randy Liebeck: On this excursion I focused on various imaging
technologies, using a digital infrared camera (Lumix SLR), a FLIR One thermal
imaging unit, and a light-amplification (night-vision) app on my iPad. I took
stills and video with all devices at all the locations we visited. I also used
an EMF detector (Natural EM Tri-Field meter, which is calibrated to ignore
man-made electromagnetic fields) as an alarm to let me know when to take photos.
Areas I used the equipment at included the Triangular Field, the Andrew Woods
House, and Iverson’s Pits. Unfortunately, a
review of the images and video clips did not reveal anything out of the
ordinary, and the Tri-Field meter did not register any anomalous fields. While
my imaging tech didn’t capture anything, I was intrigued by some audio
phenomena captured by a couple of the other team members (particularly at the
Triangular Field). At the Andrew Woods House I felt a strong melancholy/sad vibe
in the atmosphere. It was totally subjective, but it was strong enough that I
made note of it at the time. Greg
Kos: Nothing on my voice recorder at the battlefields or
Mark Nesbitt’s Reviewed all pictures taken at
both locations nothing Spikes on K-II at
Iverson’s Pits and also on EDI + activity on both at the Triangular field The SB-7 and 11 seemed to
work well at some of the battlefield locations At Marks when he was
leaving after filling us in about his building I caught something ahead of in
the next room out of the corner of my eye and thought there was no one in front
of me as Mark went out the door ...turned towards it to see a tall black shadow
passing through the doorway to the next room. When I got to that point of
entering the tour business room I fully expected to see who was ahead of me and
...gone! Got my adrenalin going. Did hear a yell/growl at
Iverson’s Pits Barbara
Meagher: Short EVP session done at battle
field 4/21/17 @ 12:31 pm Lasting 1 min 9 seconds, mostly to check equipment. No
EVPs recorded. Another
EVP session was conducted by this investigator at 8:44 PM lasting 5 .20 minutes
with group at Battlefield, behind the wall behind Devil’s Den. No EVPs
recorded by this investigator. We did see a small dark figure going over rocks,
most likely a rat. As a group we did get some activity on the ghost box with
some names and curse words. I heard the name Ted, the word Boy, and help.
Responded “yes” to the question have you been wounded. Next
EVP session at 271 Baltimore Street at 10:23pm for 1.15
minute. No EVPs but there was a good bit of contamination from other
investigators in the back room. EVP
session in Hallway of Mike Nesbitt house at 10:53pm lasting 6 min., 6 seconds.
When asked for a name a faint sound is heard that sounds like “Jim” at 1 min
15 seconds into the recording, however mechanical noise and street noise
contamination throughout session. Lastly
at 11:09 pm another EVP session lasting 1 min 53 seconds at front entrance of
271 Baltimore Street. There was significant cross contamination from other
investigators in the house so session was ended early. Dale
Kaczmarek: I believe some of the
best evidence that was collected from our trip might have come from the
Triangular Field which always seems to be a very active spot. Setting up on the
Devil’s Den side of the stone wall and using the Ovilus X in dictionary mode
the word “soldier” was recorded. Later when the SB-7 was used great
responses were heard in real time, including “I’m from Texas” and “I
like it” when the Battle Hymn of the Republic was being played for trigger
music. While
at the Andrew Woods House and using the Energy Speaker playing the Yellow Rose
of Texas, the name “Rose Lin” came through. Sach’s
Bridge produced a number of interesting words from the Ovilus X in dictionary
mode including; captain, column, batteries and trapped. When a follow-up
question, “Where were you trapped?” “Earth” was immediately produced. At
the final nighttime investigation at Iverson’s Pits, I took a number of
digital pictures of the field that Iverson’s Regiment charged. In one of the
pictures, I saw a very strange orange mist or fog that did not appear on any of
the other pictures taken before or after. Evidence
collected: Candice
woods.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Andrew Woods House in
Gettysburg, PA, a question was asked, “Who was the woman that was seen in this
room? What is your name?” A whispery voice says, “Candice.” Captain
sachs.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in dictionary mode at
Sach’s Bridge, the word, and “captain” came through. Chuck
woods.MPG – while setting up for an EVP session in the Andrew Woods House in
Gettysburg, PA, a voice in the background says, “Chuck.” Fuck
you woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, the Ovilus says, “Fuck you!” Get
em Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an EVP session at Iverson’s Pits, a
whispery voice is heard saying, “Get em.” Get
you woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, the Ovilus says, “Get you.” God
dang it Gettysburg.MPG – while describing the battle that took place near the
20th Maine marker a whispery voice is heard saying what sounds like,
“God dang it.” Hank
woods1.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session using the SB-11 with the
antenna disconnected at the Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, the device
says the name, “Hank.” Hank2
woods.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session at the Andrew Woods House, a
question was asked, “Is Hank here?” The Ghost Box responded with what sounds
like, “Hank.” Hello
woods.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Andrew Woods House in
Gettysburg, PA, a question was asked, “Who’s upstairs?” A whispery voice
is recorded that says, “Hello. Help
fuck you Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic
mode at the Triangular Field, the Ovilus says, “Fuck you!” Hi
woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, the Ovilus says, “Hi.” Hide
Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session at the Triangular Field,
the Ghost Box said, “Hide.” Huck
woods.MPG – while setting up for an EVP session in the Andrew Woods House in
Gettysburg, PA, the name “Huck” was recorded from the background. Huey
woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, the Ovilus says, “Huey” again. Huey
yeah woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, a question was asked, “Do you know the
people that lived in the Farnsworth House?” The Ovilus responds with,
“Huey.” Dale commented that this is kind of an old-fashioned name;
“Isn’t it?” The Ovilus responds with, “Yeah.” I
got it Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an EVP session at Iverson’s Pits,
a voice in the background was recorded that says, “I got it.” I
like it Gettysburg. MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session at the
Triangular Field, Liebeck played the Battle Hymn of the Republic; a voice was
heard that says, “I like it.” I’m
from Texas Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session at the
Triangular Field, a question was asked about what regiments were involved in the
charge towards the Devil’s Den, “Texas?” “Arkansas?”
The Ghost Box responds with, “I’m from Texas.” I’m
here1 woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode in the
room with the counter at the Andrew Woods House, “I’m here” came through
and was very clear. I’m
here2 woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House, a comment was made, “My name is Dale, Huey. Nice to meet
you!” The Ovilus says, “I’m here.” Jerk
Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting a SB-7 Ghost Box session using the SB-11
with the antenna disconnected at the Triangular Field, the Ghost Box says,
“Jerk.” Moaning
sachs.MPG – while conducting an EVP session at Sach’s Bridge, strange
moaning sounds were recorded in the background. (I cannot be 100% sure that it
wasn’t background contamination.) No
oh oh oh nooo Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an EVP session at Iverson’s
Pits a weird series of words are recorded that says, “No oh oh oh nooo.” Paul
Gettysburg.MPG – while explaining the first day of the battle near
McPherson’s Farm, a whispery voice is recorded that says, “Paul” or
“Pa.” Right
there woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, a weird-sounding voice is recorded and
perhaps heard in the background that says, “Right there.” Rose
Lin woods house.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in dictionary mode
at the Andrew Woods House’s front room, Liebeck started to play the Yellow
Rose of Texas using the Energy Speaker when the name, “Rose Lin” came
through. Soldier
Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in dictionary mode at
the Triangular Field, the word, “soldier” came through. Trapped
earth sachs.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in dictionary mode at
Sach’s Bridge, the Ovilus said, “Trapped.” A follow-up question was asked,
“Where were you trapped?” “Earth” came through. Weird
noise Gettysburg.MPG – while filming a live Facebook video at the Triangular
Field, a weird noise or scream is heard in the background. What
woods.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the back room of the Andrew
Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, a voice is recorded in the background that says,
“What.” Wooo
woods.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Andrew Woods House in
Gettysburg, PA, a question was asked, “You want to say something? You want to
say goodbye?” A voice in the background says, “Wooo.”
in eye Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode
at the Triangular Field, a question was asked, “Are you wounded?” The Ovilus
responded with, “Yeah.” A follow-up question was asked, “Where were you
shot?” The Ovilus then responded with, “In eye.” Yeah
woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode at the
Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, a question was asked, “Who’s swearing
at me? What’s your name? Hope you’re not that female.” The Ovilus responds
with, “Yeah.” You
asshole we are woods.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic
mode at the Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, the Ovilus responds with,
“You asshole.” A follow-up question was asked, “Are you swearing at me
again? Calling me an asshole?” The Ovilus responds with, “We are.” You
can talk woods.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session using the SB-11 with
the antenna disconnected at the Andrew Woods House in Gettysburg, PA, a comment
was made, “Maybe you can talk to Rosemary instead. Perhaps you don’t like my
voice.” The Ghost Box responds with, “You can talk.” You
tell those folks Gettysburg.MPG – while conducting an SB-7 session at the
Triangular Field, the device said, “You tell those folks.” Paranormal mist captured at Iverson's Pits
was very pleased at the amount of both visual and audio evidence that was
collected from various locations around Gettysburg during our trip. I wish we
would have another extra day to visit additional locations including the Jenny
Wade House, Farnsworth House, the old orphanage, Solomon's Bridge and perhaps
another nighttime investigation at either Pickett’s Charge or the 20th
Maine marker. Those additional spots
marked locations were there was significant loss of life during the second day
of the battle. I
wish to thank Mark Nesbitt for allowing our team to investigate the headquarters
of the Ghosts of Gettysburg Candlelight Ghost Tours and it was a pleasure
meeting and having lunch with Professor Charles Emmons of Gettysburg College who
I had not seen since the first and only legal nighttime investigation of the
area with the Sightings crew in 1995. If
we are ever in the area again, I would not hesitate visiting this location
locations on the battlefield are haunted. A phantom regiment has been seen
marching and maneuvering in the Triangular Field. In April of 2006 researcher
Jim Graczyk and I, while investigating this location smelled the strong stench
of cherry pipe tobacco, heard the sounds of hoof beats and even saw a dark
figure climbing up a hill near the Devil’s Den.
Ghost Research Society (
© 2017 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek