King's Cemetery Investigation

This is a small cemetery on private property. One has to secure permission to visit here especially after dark. Not much is known about the history or genealogy of this burial ground.








Address: 22766 E. 900th Ave., Dietrich, Illinois 62424 in Bishop Township of Effingham County

GPS: 39°01’388” N, 088°25’909”S


Hauntings: There have been some vague reports of strange orbs of light and shadowy figures seen on the property. People claim to have encountered a weird “crystal ball” that you are not supposed to touch or interact with because you may die!

Others see full-bodied apparitions here.




The Ghost Research Society investigated King's Cemetery on August 29, 2020 and the team members included: Mike Rosario, Kelly Griffey and Dale Kaczmarek, with help from Jason Snider, Courtney Mendenhall and Courtney Bowen from Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunter's Society








Equipment setup: Nightshot IR camcorders were used along with digital recorders and cameras, Ovilus X, SB-11 Ghost Box and the ParaTek app. Dickerson was using the Bionic Ears to listen to subtle EVPs or voice along with a Tascam.

Experiments performed: Ovilus X in dictionary and phonetic modes, SB-11 Ghost Box and ParaTek app sessions were conducted within the cemetery.

Personal experiences:

Mike Rosario: King's Cemetery (I believe it was in Dietrich, IL.) is where I think I sat that investigation out, and remained in my car to conserve my energy for a bit. I remember parking off to the side of the road at the time.

Dale Kaczmarek: This was a small rural cemetery in the middle of nowhere again. According to Snider, he didn’t know of others having specific experiences in this location except for some apparitions.

I did not feel odd or had any unusual experiences here. The EVP sessions that were conducted did not yield anything intelligent; only random words seemed to come from the devices.

Evidence collected: None!

Words spoken by the Ovilus X in dictionary mode: stigmata and dig. Phonetic mode: out, up and book.

SB-11 Ghost Box: please.

ParaTek app: map, creator, air, equal, family, scientists, that, sleeping, man, seeds, Layla, fear me, thank, here, lunatic, bank, interest, under, others, above, abort, gather, beer, bar, trouble, quiet and older.

Conclusions: This was an extremely quiet location in regards to any spirit communication. There were no responses to questions asked and nothing out of the ordinary was experienced by anyone in either group while there.

Cemeteries are usually quiet places unless something or someone has stirred up the location with satanic or other weird rituals, grave desecration or graffiti scrawled on tombstones. There was none of that except one picture of a snake skin laid over a headstone. Weird!

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© 2020 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek