Old South Pittsburg Hospital Investigation 2020

The Old South Pittsburg Hospital was built in 1959 and is located on the foothill of South Pittsburg Mountain, in South Pittsburg, TN. The hospital was built on a solid Limestone rock, as its foundation and a natural spring running directly under the hospital and into the most Northwest part of the Tennessee River. During the Civil war South Pittsburgh original name was "Pittsburg Landing" The Ferry landing is only an eighth of a mile from the hospital that was used by both Confederate and Union Soldiers to land at South Pittsburg, and to travel down to Chickamauga Battlefield. In our City Cemetery there are Union and Confederate Soldiers buried side by side that passed in the line of duty. There is also a small section dedicated to the slaves that lived and died here as well with unmarked headstones.

 In 1778, the Chiaha Tribe located in what is now called South Pittsburg, used this land to live, hunt, fish, and grow orchards. During the Civil War the Chiaha Tribe gave safe passage to the Union Soldiers to transport and store their artillery in the foothills behind the hospital. The most notable war event here was the bombing of the Union Army's earthen redoubt, Fort McCook, in August 1862. Many lost their lives including some Native Americans from the Cherokee Tribe. Confederate forces entrenched on the ridges in the New Hope community on the opposite side of the Tennessee River in New Hope, from here timed this attack simultaneously with and attack on hospital land at the edge of town, prior to the hospitals construction. This was in the effort to gain control of this part of the Sequachee Valley. Both assaults were successful in their intent with the Union Army attacking the fort at Battle Creek during the night leaving it and much of the stores and supplies to its Confederate victors. Some of the artillery bunkers still exist today behind the hospital in the foothills of South Pittsburg Mountain.

During the Civil war, Gamble Plantation was built here. There have been reports that there were shackles in the basement for slaves that they kept. This new information is currently being researched to find photos and more information. 

Eventually the Union Army would regain control of the area  by late summer 1863 and continue its grip until the end of the war. Despite not having a major battle here, the area was ravaged by the thousands of soldiers passing through the area during the war who took livestock, foods and other necessities from the area Native Americans and farmers for the benefit of their cause. This resulted in hard times for many of these families following the end of the war as the attempted to rebuild their lives.

South Pittsburg eventually recovered in shipping its most prized possession and that was minerals and limestone. During 1887, the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway was build to bring more commerce to the city. At which point the city grew, both financially and resident wise.

In the doors opened to a hospital situated on 2.3 acres in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. This 68,000 square foot medical facility, founded by four doctors, was known as the South Pittsburg Municipal Hospital (SPMH). Additions to the hospital were built prior to 1980. This bastion of healing would serve the community for almost 40 years before closing its doors for the last time in 1998.

In April of 1997, Hospital Corp. of America (HCA), at the time the nation's largest hospital chain, held the groundbreaking for Grandview Medical Center in Jasper, Marion County. According to HCA, which has also used the name Columbia, the new 50 bed, 95,000 square foot, medical facility was developed to replace the long serving and aging medical center in South Pittsburg.

The loss of their hospital dismayed many in the community who felt that the new hospital should also be located in South Pittsburg. On November 14, 1995 the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported that "the city sued in Marion County Chancery Court to force the manager of its hospital to disclose whether it intends to close the non-profit hospital." The mayor of the city at that time, David Payne worried that "Columbia has refused repeated requests that it assure the city that it does not intend to buy South Pittsburg Hospital and close it to prevent competition with the one Columbia plans to build just outside the city." At that time, Columbia, which had managed SPMH for several years, had only agreed to pay $50,000 for the equity in the hospital. The article suggests that Columbia may have been interested in the acquisition of SPMH to acquire its Certificate of Need for beds, which would assist them in obtaining the state approval needed to build Grandview. Over the disapproval of many in the South Pittsburg community, the new $30 million hospital eventually opened its doors to great fanfare the week of September 29, 1998, while the long serving nonprofit hospital quietly closed its doors.


Located at 1100 Holly Ave., South Pittsburg, TN. 37380  

Phone: 815-216-5724 or 423-228-7082

Owner: Ron Dee

Website: www.osphprc.com

Hauntings: Over the years since its closing, there have been many reports of unusual and paranormal activity relayed from South Pittsburgh residents, Former employees, media, investigators and teams. Some of this activity was reported from the first day the hospital was open. Baby cries in the Nursery when there were no babies there at the time is only one example.  A lot of evidence has surfaced from the Old South Pittsburg Hospital on a regular basis of paranormal activity that you are welcome to view on this website. This activity includes, but not limited to day time and night time photos, being touched, full body apparitions, black shadow people, strange balls of light, disembodied voices calling out to you, doors slamming of their own will, and sounds of footsteps.

Upon years of research and contacts, some of the former nurses, employees and patients have come forward with their own experiences while working here when it was open. When the hospital was open many employees, patients and security have reported things moving in the hallways, such as medicine carts, shadow people, being touched by unseen hands, full body apparitions and many times the security was called thinking there was an intruder during all three shifts because they heard voices heard noises and saw shadow people lurking in the hallways and rooms. Come to find out that there was no one there, and no reasonable cause.

Some of the nurses that worked here reported baby cries or woman screaming, when there was no one there. To this day teams often capture these sounds through EVPs and video. There seems to be many souls that still remain within the aging concrete walls of the Old South Pittsburg Hospital that really want to make contact and be heard.

There has been evidence that suggests that we have many young children and adults that remain and want to speak out to you! We have two doctors making rounds as usual, and one that doesn't like you going into the operating rooms without washing up.

One of the most common reports is of a large black shadow man we believe that is a pedophile of children. His menacing presence and doesn't seem to want you here!! He will tell you to Fuck Off, "Get the Hell Out", "Leave", and sometimes will tell the other spirits not to talk to us. There is a deep dark secret that he hides! When he is near, you have an overwhelming feeling of heaviness may occur. Although no one has been injured, this shadow man makes it clear he doesn't want you here! Slamming doors are very common here, voices and numerous EVPs captured reminds you his presence is strong. He has been sighted here on a regular basis. This is just one of the numerous experiences you may encounter while investigating.  

From our best estimates, there are at least eight children, six of which remain on the third floor. You may encounter one of the hospitals visitor’s favorites "Buddy", on the 3rd Floor. This is a small child probably about the age of two, wanting to play or asking you to pick him up. There has been a thermal video on this website that was captured of him. Baby cries and woman sobbing have been heard throughout the building.

There is an older woman on the 3rd Floor at the end of the hallway that tends to not like females, but will call out to the male guests. The second floor you may encounter one of the two Nurses that passed here. Or a male that died from TB as he calls out for "Help". A woman screaming or babies crying are very common here in all areas of the hospital.

One of saddest patients here is Hazel, an elderly woman. She is our screaming lady. Her voice has been captured here in the hallways with an unforgettable scream. Back in the day, she was admitted to the Hospital from a local nursing home for a mental observation then to go up to the Psych ward. She has a rough and gravely voice, and tells people to "Go Back!" After three days of her stay here, Hazel died from infections, and complications. She has been heard and recorded several places in the hospital. When you hear her scream or yell at you, you will never forget it!!

Down by the Bio-Hazard you sometimes feel and hear someone step closely behind you, only to turn around and no one is there. There have been several photos of the entity we call "Hissing man". He seems to beckon you as you walk near that area, with a "hey"!

In the basement, we have a fun spirit that we call the "Naughty Nurse". She doesn't seem to give up her name, but often will touch you softly in personal places or whisper things or laugh to let you know she is around. In the basement, you may encounter a residual Doctor walking around or black shadow that may walk right up to you. We have had many reports of an old Janitor here that died in the 60's when the Hospital was still operating, that still works around the building and doesn't like you criticizing his work. He is still looking for his keys. These are just some of the spirits that you might encounter here.

Some say all of this History and Geographical formations can amplify the paranormal activity that occurs here on a regular basis. There is the only “Ley Line” In Tennessee located within two miles of the property. This Ley Line runs directly through Russell Cave, where the Native Americans used to use.

Equipment setup: An Edi+ Meter, GS2 Laser Grid, REM Epod and IR camcorder was positioned facing down the Shadow Hallway. A POV full-spectrum camera was faced in the opposite direction facing down towards the patient’s rooms. Other hand-held equipment was used throughout the evening including: Estes Method, Dowsing Rods, Phasma Box, Ovilus X, ParaTek, Periscope, K-II Meters, Ghost Boxes, digital recorders, cameras and camcorders and a 4K IR camcorder.

The Ghost Research Society investigated Old South Pittsburg Hospital on June 5, 2020 with Kathie Para, Michael Wright, Greg Kos, Mike Rosario, Barbara Meagher, Kelly Griffey and Dale Kaczmarek with help from Jason Snider and Courtney Mendenhall from Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunter’s Society








Experiments performed: EVP, Ovilus X, Phasma Box, ParaTek and Ghost Box sessions were conducted in Operating Room #1 and #2 and the Nursery.

A role-playing operation was performed in Operating Room #1 with Meagher as the patient and Wright and Rosario as the doctors.


Personal experiences:  

Greg Kos: Team members present were Mike, Mikey, Kathie, Barbara, Kelly, Dale and I along with Crawford County Illinois Ghost Hunter’s Society members Jason and Courtney. 

The equipment I used: EDI+ meter, Periscope 360, my recorder, and my IR Camcorder and my IR stills camera. We had group EVP sessions in various rooms including the X Ray Room and the Operating Room. The 2nd floor corridor captivated us for a while and we did another session in the Nursery. I thought I captured the head (Shadow) of a Civil War soldier cross my lens. My video sits on the ground so I’m unsure of how the shadow passes in front of me.

Later on Kelly and I did a psychic challenge with Gwenn from old South. We went in to a section that was shut off from the investigation. It had ten rooms and Gwenn asked me to go into each room and see what I felt. All of the rooms were heavy and felt I had trouble breathing. The other room felt heavy but did not continue as I walked in and Gwenn said a patient committed suicide. The first had an angry spirit who died violently and wanted no one to enter. The high point for me was a recorded double Estes Method session that was conducted by Gwenn. There were some amazing answers and towards the end we were told that we bantered back and forth at each other.  I have been to Old South Pittsburgh Hospital twice and it is becoming my favorite with one great owner and an awesome staff.

Kelly Griffey: I was partnered in-training with Dale throughout the investigation at Old South Pittsburgh Hospital.

I brought a POV full-spectrum camera and a Zoom H2 recorder. 

I took several pictures and tried to record a couple of EVP sessions.  At one point Dale helped me set up my POV camera to aim opposite the Shadow Hallway and wanted to provide a light.  Unfortunately, all of the battery packs needed was completely out of juice.  They eventually ran an extension cord to the area; I don’t think we set it up.

5 things I “experienced” at OSPH.

My 2 pictures by Nurse’s Station:

My POV camera not functioning well at all (they did mention during the initial building tour to check our equipment during operation, even when we were holding it, that ‘they’ liked to turn the cameras off.  If I were not as inexperienced, I would guess it was turned off.

Sensitivity walk (led by one of the guides)

Ghost box duo session (led by one of the guides) with Greg Kos

“Short man” running up behind me 4+ times in hallway

My experience with the Zoom H2 recorder was not good.  I recorded in front speakers and then recorded in front and back (surround) sound.  I cannot hear anything with my play back and even my voice is very quiet.  I need to either learn the H2 better or find a new kind of voice recorder.

With my POV camera I took many pictures and did record video.  When I set up the tripod with POV camera that pointed down the hallway adjacent to the Shadow Hallway (where Dale & Jason set up a variety of things) I noticed that my phone controls of the camera did not work in the break room (although I believed it was still recording video).  When I returned alone to correct the Wi-Fi, the camera would not disconnect from my phone Wi-Fi and would not power off.  It froze.  After fiddling with it for a while, I finally got it to power off and on again.  Somehow & despite the soft reset, I didn’t do it right and the video I thought was recording was not recorded.  My video was only about 30 minutes at the start of the investigation.


There were 3 incidents (listed below) that caught my attention while reviewing this video.  None of the 3 things are caught on video, all are audio/sounds.

There is a lot of talking in the background throughout because the Shadow Hallway was set up behind this camera but the sounds of people talking are generally noticeable that it’s our group.  Also, this is the hallway where the employees were staying in the rooms. 

9:32 PM OSPH at 21:04 I hear a metallic sounding voice

9:36:07 I hear whistling at 25:12 on video

9:36:41 a metallic scrape at 25:46 on video

21:38:53 The Guy flashed a flashlight at the set up and at 27:58 the lights in the hallway were darker….I’m not sure why the hallway got darker, maybe the light on the POV set up went out?


I have included 2 separate images from the Nurses’ Station on the 2nd floor near the bathroom we were using.  Images (20200605_202120 OSPH Question 1 & 20200605_202120 OSPH Question 2) each have a white streak captured.  I did not clean off my camera lens often throughout the evening, and the Go-Pro type camera was enclosed in a plastic waterproof case.  There is, of course, the potential that I grabbed the camera, left an imprint on the box in front of the lens and wiped it off after these 2 shots were taken.  (Normally I wipe the front of the camera box with a cloth, or my t-shirt or a towel immediately after I notice I may have touched the front, not after a couple pictures were taken). 

I was in-training at OSPH.  



This was a full spectrum picture taken by Kelly Griffey of the hallway leading to the Emergency Room. There appears to be some kind of squiggly "something" in the middle of the hallway. There were no reflective surfaces to create this effect and Griffey wasn't using a traditional flash; an IR/UV flash unit was employed so that further rules out the possibility of some kind of reflection or lens glare. 








Walk Through “secret” Room for Sensitivity Test by Kelly Hamman led by Candice or Gwendolyn.

This was the hallway with the tricycle in the corner and the room that was decorated for the live-in lady.


Before I watch Kindred Spirits, I wanted to record what I remember about the ‘secret’ hallway.

I walked down the hallway and I got a sense of something/someone going in and out of one of the rooms.  It was pitch-black and I approached a doorway and almost walked through it.  I flashed my light just in case and the door was shut.  I honestly felt like the door was open.  There was nothing special mentioned by the guide about that room.

I looked down the hallway and saw twinkling lights down the hall, and on the upper left side.  I also saw (perceived) a big fluffy ‘creature’ standing at the very end of the hallway at the door to the hallway (not to any of the rooms).  It was standing as tall as the ceiling and trying to puff itself up to be as wide as the hall.  I saw it walk about 10 big paces from the doorway to ‘scare’ anyone who was approaching.  I didn’t see it walk back, but then it was back at the doorway and walking and puffing again.  It appeared like Greg mentioned, like a film-loop.  I also wasn’t sure it was really that big…I believe it might have been a small Earth spirit but projecting itself.

I went into a room and saw out a window that was super tiny and when you walk in, it was on the far right left side.  It was odd because it looked smaller.  I looked out the window (and down to the ground below) and asked if anyone fell out that window.  I also got the sense that a man would get angry and hold a woman up to the window, so her back was near the sill and threaten to throw her out.  It turns out that was a ‘records’ room.

She showed me the room at the end of the hall, near the big fluffy/scary elemental/earth spirit.  It was decorated with a made bed and stuffed animals, etc.  Supposedly the woman who stayed there, continued to live there free of charge because she helped with the psych patients.  But when I looked around the room and at the bookshelf and stuffed animals, I got the feeling that she was telling me “it was all wrong.”  She didn’t like the way the room was decorated. 

I didn’t tell the girl about my perception of the incorrectly decorated room or the man holding someone up to the window in the records room because they are doing a great job there, and some decorations are better than none. & I was also waiting for her to say, ‘yes’ someone did “fall” to their death from that window.  When she did not say that, I got the feeling that the girl who was threatened at that window understood clearly (and she could see herself getting tossed out) to her death.  If she didn’t die, she conformed to what he demanded.


Re:  Double Ghost box session led by Candice or Gwendolyn.  

Also, Greg Kos and I performed a ‘double’ ghost box session & I reached out to the girls to ask for a copy but have not heard back yet.  (I reached out on FB Messenger to their group.  FB Messenger is the easiest message center to NOT see messages come through.  Maybe over the coming weeks they will have a chance to email it to someone in the group).   I had never done this kind of session, and I basically followed the guides lead. 


Re: Hallway perception throughout the night.  

I noticed when I was going to and from my POV camera adjacent to the shadow hallway & also when I would go to the bathroom, on three different occasions I felt like someone was running up behind me.  I got the heebie-jeebies each time.  On one of my passes back to the break room, I was walking in the hallway parallel to the shadow hallway and actually started to run/walk fast and was waving my arms behind me because I felt extremely uncomfortable.  I mentioned to Jason why and when that happened in case the recorders pick up any sounds.  Later I talked with Candice or Gwendolyn about that area and told them that I feel like someone is running up behind me and gets so close I can feel them on my back!  They talked about that experience twice, once when I initially asked one of them and the other time together while waiting in the main lobby for some group members to do a sensitivity walk. 

Initially I was told yes, that was a man about ‘yay high’ as she held her hand up to her shoulder height, indicating he was about 5’ or less.  They basically said that he likes to run up on people all the time.  When they have groups come tour through here, people will actually feel like there is someone in front of them listening to the tour guide and reach out and nobody is there. He likes to be involved with the groups and is active often.   I asked if he was mean or dangerous, and she said no that he just did weird things.  After that, I pretty much stayed behind Dale when we went anywhere else in the building.   

Barbara Meagher: First a session was held in the hospital near the Nursery with several pieces of equipment. I did a 15 minute EVP session with the GRS group with no EVPs heard on my recording. This investigator completed 7 short EVP sessions throughout the building, but did not catch any EVPs.

Several photos were also taken by this investigator with nothing paranormal noted in any of the photos.

Kathie Para: Seven members of GRS along with two members of Crawford County Ghost Research investigated this location June 5th. GRS members present were Dale, Mikey R, Kelly, Barb, Greg, Mike W and me. Jason and Courtney were the members from Crawford County.

This was my third time at OSPH and I wasn’t disappointed. Unfortunately, I forgot my audio recorder and wasn’t able to record my time there. Typically I get several good EVPs when I’m there so it was a real disappointment.

I did have a few good experiences there. During an EVP session in the Nursery there was some K-II meter activity. I also had my REM Epod in the middle of the room. Asking for it to be lit up the word “green” came through and the REM Epod lit up green.

In one of the surgical suites the two K-II meters in the room were lit up almost the entire time. In many instances both of them lit up all the way to the red. We could find no sources that they would react to.

One of the volunteers recommended we go to Room 7. Barb and I went and sat there and it seemed pretty quiet except for a thump on the wall after asking if “they” liked the new owners. We couldn’t be certain if this was paranormal or not but we couldn’t really find an explanation for it. Later the volunteer asked us how it went. We told her it was pretty quiet except for a thump on the wall that seemed to be in response to a question. She then told us that thump on the wall are common in that room.

As usual OSPH didn’t disappoint and I plan on returning again.  

Mike Rosario: Introduction:  This year, we went and investigated four (4) notorious haunted locations down in the great state of Tennessee!  I, personally, haven’t been down there in a year, so it was nice to see the old state again in its everlasting glory!  This report will include the Stones River National Battlefield (3501 Old Nashville, Hwy., Murfreesboro, TN.), Hales Bar Marina & Resort (1265 Hales Bar Rd, Guild, TN.), The Old South Pittsburg Hospital (1100 Holly Ave., South Pittsburg, TN.), and The Historic Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary (9182 TN-116, Petros, TN.).  I have never been to these sites before, but I was completely looking forward to investigating them!

Equipment and Initial Investigation:  Our investigations took off at approximately 6:15p.m. with some members of the CCIGHS team, Dale Kaczmarek, Kathie Para, Greg Kos, Mike Wright, Barb Meagher, Kelly Griffey and I on Friday, June 5, 2020.  Weather that night was very hot and muggy.  Plenty of mosquitoes and attacking flies of all kinds were present around the place!  Equipment used was my K-II meter, a Sony Night Shot Handy-Cam DCR-TRV13 NTSC 560 Digital-8 20X Optical Zoom Video Camcorder, a Green Laser Grid, my Apple iPhone 8-Plus 256GB Smart phone, my Phillips digital voice recorder (DVR), a Police Security Elite Blackout 615 Lumen Hands-free Heavy-Duty Head Strap Flashlight, and a small Red Mag-Lite Flashlight. 

For this investigation, members of the GRS were guided by members of the Haunted Old South Pittsburg Hospital and Paranormal Research Center (OSPHPRC) for an initial walkthrough and historical tour of this once very popular place.  That was an incredible ghost hunt that night because, we were allowed to venture around 95% of the building, and explored rooms that housed incredibly haunting stories, with many of them beyond spine-tingling!  Once the tour was completed, we partially broke up into small groups all throughout night, and investigated sections of the building.  There were many locations were I set up my Night Shot Handy Camcorder, and took to all three floors inside the facility.

Investigation Wrap-Up:  The investigations ended approximately around 3:30a.m. on Saturday, June 6, 2020.

Evidence:  Upon reviewing all of my evidence, I did not have any visual evidence on my night shot camcorder, but I did have some EVP hits from two operating rooms inside the hospital.  The audible evidence is as follows:

Operating Room #1                                                         Operating Room #2

~ “Shut it off!”                                                                 ~ “Hey, I’m right here!”  “Purple Heart.”
~ Male laughter (chuckling).
~ “Abraham Lincoln” (female voice).
~ Sound of a hiccup.
~ “Lobotomies.”

Conclusion/Overall:  This was a very cool ghost excursion for a first timer here!  I was told that some of the members from the GRS team were here during a previous investigation, and said it was very active.  I do not doubt it at all! Very interesting finds and experiences at this location, and would come back to do another investigation in a heartbeat.  Many thanks to the OSPH team!


Mike Wright: This was my fourth time investigating the hospital; I just want to compliment the new owner Ron and the crew of volunteers for the work that they have put into cleaning up and updating the hospital.

I road in with Kathie, Barbara and Greg we stayed together for a good portion of the evening. We first went to the Pharmacy the equipment I brought was a recorder, K-II Meter and 2 spirit bottles one with a Moldavite pendulum and the other with clear crystal pendulum in an etched glass sacred geometry bottle. The only thing that was active was the K-II. After the Pharmacy we went into the Shadow Hallway, which was also pretty quiet

We joined the rest of the team upstairs in the Operating Room and Nursery; it was hard to hear what was going on in the Operating Room because of the noise from everyone’s excitement. The Nursery had a few things going on, a ball that was on the floor moved a few inches and there were some Ovilus X responses.

Kathie, Barbara and I then went into the Radiology and X-ray rooms and did mini EVP sessions but I did not pick up anything there either.

The highlight for me was when I listened in to an Estes Method session with Greg and Gwendolyn outside the break room, there was some very spot on responses.

Dale Kaczmarek: I had heard several male voices coming down the hallway outside of Operating Room #2 when we were conducting an EVP session inside. My 4K camcorder was positioned outside of the room and facing down the hallway the entire time. Several people smelled the stench of cigarette smoke while in that room as well.  

Several K-II Meters also went into the red while talking with the spirits even though there is no electricity in that part of the building. That was pretty amazing!  

While in the Nursery we were using the REM Epod on the fall and had asked the ghost to turn it to the green setting. Almost immediately the REM Epod alerted to green! Later when I asked for a temperature drop, the devices in the room and well a few, including myself, did feel a distinct temperature drop. And after that request, the ParaTek said, “heat.”  Not long after that my cell phone got extremely hot which I showed to Jason.  

A lot of the EVP devices were pretty quiet with the exception of the ParTek which was very talkative.


Evidence collected:  

Abraham Lincoln opsh.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in Operating Room #2, the device said something that sounds like, “Abraham Lincoln.”

Brain dead opsh.MP4 – while conducting a role-playing experiment in Operating Room #1 and mimicking a real operation with the Phasma Box, the device said, “Brain dead.”  

Female scream osph.MP4 – during the initial walk-through, a “female scream” was recorder on the 4K camcorder.  

Green osph MP4 – while conducting a ParaTek session in the Nursery with the REM Epod on the floor, the ParaTek said, “Green and immediately the device alerted to the green setting.  

Hey I’m here osph.MP4 – while conducting a Ovilus X session in phonetic mode in Operating Room #2, the device said, “Hey, I’m here.”  

Laughter osph.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in Operating Room #2, a question was asked, “Anybody here in this room?” The device sounded like someone responded with laughter.

Male voice in hallway osph.MP4 – while conducting an EVP session in Operating Room #2, the 4K camcorder positioned in the hallway directly outside of the room picked up a “male voice.”  

Shut it off osph.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in Operating Room #2, the device said, “Shut it off.”

Voices said by the Ovilus X in dictionary mode: Nursery – demand and porch; Operating Room #2 – manual and product; phonetic mode – Heather.  

Words spoken by the ParaTek device: Nursery – Edna, hike, secret, else, dollar, only, gas, rest, feet, finish, people, relax, ant, upper, seeing you, emergence, heat, indeed, hair, killed, knit, Elizabeth, Jackson, green (REM Epod turned green), none, game, Edward, losing, hear me, idiot (my cell phone got very hot), day, seven and criminal; Ghost Box – hey.  

Conclusions: There were multiple equipment failures throughout the night starting with the IR lights 12v batteries not functioning. All three were completely dead even though the charger showed them as fully charged just a couple of dead before we left for the trip. The charger apparently wasn’t defective, but the batteries were which is very curious.  

The Thermal Tablet would not turn on no matter what I tried. This device was also fully charged just a few days before our travel. Upon our return, I inquired about this and was told to send it back. Just before I was ready to pack it up, I tried turning it on one more time and it worked fine! I cannot figure that out.  

Due to all the equipment problems, helping others set up and training new people, I was only able to investigate three locations; Operating Room #1 and #2 and the Nursery.  

There was a lot of laughing and commotion at the start of the first EVP and role-playing session in Operating Room #1 which prevented me from distinguishing any voices or words that might have come through the Phasma Box or any possible disembodied voices in the room or from the hallway. I think in the future, we will need to get the craziness out of our system before starting the EVP session because if we don’t it isn’t worth starting one with all the contamination. Others also commented on that in their reports.

This was my seventh night investigating this location and may be my last. With so many other new and undiscovered locations around the country I believe that our team will need to focus on visiting and investigating those locations first before revisiting locations that we have already been to. 

Ghost Research Society (www.ghostresearch.org)
© 2020 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek