Rialto Square Theater Investigation 

C.W. and George Rapp designed the Rialto Square Theatre in 1924, and the theatre opened May 24, 1926, featuring the production "The Evolution of Joliet". The first talking picture at the Rialto was shown on October 9, 1928, with Lights of New York. In 1953 stereophonic sound was installed in the theatre. The Rialto Square Theater located in Joliet’s City Center has a rich past since its opening back in 1926 and there are some who believe the performers from the vaudeville days might still be around.

Many famous performers have been featured at the Rialto including: the Marx Brothers, Eddie Cantor Burns and Allen and Liberace. 


Address: 15 E. Van Buren St., Joliet, Illinois 60432-4211

Phone: 815-726-7171

Event manager: Leann Hoffrogge

Website: www.rialtosquare.com

Hauntings: Goldie Groves is a supervisor of the maintenance staff still talks about the unexpected visitor she experienced a number of years ago. 

“Years ago, we were late night cleaning...I’d forgotten something backstage and I went up aisle four.”  It was at that time the Groves saw a “little light aura” around the Barton Grande organ at the foot of the Rialto stage.  

“I just stood there and looked and it was like all of a sudden this form just turned around...like floated around and stared at me.  It was gone within seconds.”  

She remembered the form as hazy or cloudy in appearance and illuminated even though the rest of the auditorium was pitch black.  Groves was sure that the figure she observed was a female with long hair.

There have been other encounters.  “I’d pull the chairs out to sweep the dressing rooms and all of a sudden I go back and they’re back and I’d say, ‘Now wait a minute, c’mon leave my stuff alone.’  I talk to her.  It’s strange, I know.”

Other stagehands have told Groves that they have seen a young woman playing the organ at times when no one supposed to be in the theater.  

A public relations person, Gayle Crnkovic, relates yet another encounter around the Barton Grande organ.  Organist, Taylor Trimby, seated by the organ one warm afternoon suddenly felt an icy cold draft flow down his back.  “He shut the organ off and left real quickly!”  

Crnkovic tells of a light above the organ that is focused where they need to aim it for a performance.  Stagehand Bob Kelly says on many occasions after turning on the lights for focusing, the light is back, shining on the organ.  The organ is the original one installed there over 70 years ago.  

The theater seats seem to have a mind of their own sometimes popping in an up and down position without human assistance.  Just before the cleaning women began, all the seats were in the down position.  When they returned about 15 minutes later, they found all of them in up position!  That’s physically impossible says Crnkovic who tried an experiment herself popping up the seats as rapidly as possible.  It just wasn’t something that could be accomplished in that short space of time.  

In a dressing room located down below the stage level, a cleaning crew was busy cleaning some mirrors and stood back to see if they had missed any streaks.  They noticed a large hand print like someone had leaned against it.  That was something they just could not have missed during the initial cleaning.  

Theater director, Lynne Lichtenauer, has had experiences of her own.  According to Crnkovic, Lichtenauer walked across the catwalk high above the theater into the balcony seats.  Suddenly the windows in the projection room began to shake and rattle and the blue light of the dome 75 feet above the seats began to flicker.   Surely that could happen, if the lights were turned on; they weren’t at the time.  

Nobody ever died in the theater as far as the staff and manager have researched.  

In the center aisle of the Main Auditorium near rows E or F people have had the feeling of being followed.  

In the Lower Promenade area there is apparently some activity from the ghosts of children. Past investigations have yielded at least one good photograph in this area of two figures. This could not be confirmed as we did not have a chance to examine this alleged ghost image. Klimek said that he came into contact with a possible maintenance man near the utility room and also saw a shadow dart from right to left in the Upper Promenade area. We were all still on the main floor when this occurrence took place.  

In the Upper Promenade area is what is commonly referred to as the Long Hallway. There has been EMF meter activity during past investigations and a lot of EVPs captured near the Back Stairs.  

Balcony area is a location where allegedly two people fell to their deaths. This has never been confirmed by either police reports or newspaper articles. Klimek pointed out that he believed that he saw a person, like a black shadow, sitting in the far back area of the Balcony.  

Women’s Upstairs Bathroom is an area where some have felt a presence in the past. We saw and photographed a series of small barefoot footprints on the tiled floor. A lot of K-II and other EMF activity were detected during our visit but it was debunked as a Wi-Fi transmitter and old BX cables in the wall of this old building.  

The Green Room was literally filled with signatures of past performers who played here including: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Alice Cooper, Survivor, Patsy Cline, Huey Lewis and the News, Willie Nelson, Loretta Lynn and Wayne Newton, just to name a few of the thousands.  

There has been some activity reported in the Green Room and the nearby Musician’s Room.



Equipment setup: Most investigators used hand-held equipment like: K-II and Melmeters, Tri-Field Natural EM Meter, digital recorders and camcorders, GoPro and Full Spectrum cameras, REM Epod, Ultrasonic detector, Ovilus X with DTD device, IR illuminators, Geophone, red laser grid, Phasma Box.  

Experiments performed: EVP, Ovilus X and Phasma Box sessions were performed in the back staircase area, near the stage, the long hallway upstairs, balcony and the Dressing Rooms. A Geophone was placed to the left side of the stage due to the past sound of footsteps heard. A red laser grid was shot down the Long Hallway during our EVP sessions there.  

Personal experiences:  

Bob Davies: Investigated different parts of the theater.  Ran audio in every location.  No audio evidence collected.   

Barbara Meagher: First a session was held in the theatre seats. There were several hits on the REM Epod and lots of activity on 2 different ghost balls. 15 min EVP session done with No EVPs heard. From the responses we got with the lights it seemed a child spirit was there.

Then a 15 minute EVP session was held in the hallway near the balcony on the second floor. No EVPs were discovered, and there was no light activity during this session.

A 15 minute session was held in the Women’s room on the second floor. EVP session along with ghost box. No EVPs picked up.

Then we had a session in the star’s dressing room. We did get some responses with the EMF blinks. A dowsing rod session was also held with some interesting responses to questions. EVP session lasting 10 minutes revealed no EVPs.

Lastly I returned to the theatre seats where there had been activity earlier in the evening, but we got no activity and no EVPs during a 5 minute EVP session

Len Novak: Our investigation of the Rialto Theater was an interesting night. I took several pictures that were interesting. Some of them were out of focus; one had what appeared to have an anomaly of unknown origin. We had many personal experiences. An EVP session was done in the lobby by the stairwell, while there our REM Epod went off several times, we had responses to some questions while using Dale’s Phasma Box and had many responses with our EMF meters. There were also some responses in the balcony area. The auditorium and the balcony and lobby seemed to be most active. I would like to do an overnight in there.  

Kathie Para: GRS members present at this location were Marge, Barb, Mike Wright, Dale, Chuck and me. There were several others included who are not members of GRS.

This is a large building with many areas available to investigate. Personally, I spent time investigating in the main theater, the basement green room, second floor women’s bathroom, second floor mezzanine and the second floor star’s dressing room.

We had very good response in the main theater with the trigger ball. We had two balls and they both were responsive as well as having some REM Epod and K-II meter activity. We also heard unexplained noises near the stage while in this area a few times.

We did a lengthy dowsing rod session in the basement green room that was very interesting. I was also touched on the head there.

It seems as if we had at least a little activity in every area we spent time in. Due to time restrictions and the amount of people in the building I felt we didn’t get to cover nearly enough of the building as I would have liked to. I would be excited to be able to return to the theater and continue to investigate.

I have included a couple audio clips with this report.  

Marge Sucha: GRS members present:                                                                               

Dale Kaczmarek, Barb Meagher, Chuck Williams, Kathie Para, Mike Wright, and I

Also present were members from other groups  

Equipment I used:  Fuji Film Digital Camera, Olympus Digital Voice Recorder, K-II meter, EDI+ meter, FLIR Camera  

The theater had beautiful painted and carved details in the wall and ceilings.  You could just lie back in your chair and admire the beautiful work done.  

Shortly after arriving we were given a tour of the theater.  Later we broke off into several groups.  I paired up with Mike Wright and Barb Meagher, and Kathie Para.  

Main theater.  Barb had a small cat toy the lights up.  We asked if you were the little boy we were told about can you make one of the lights light up.  Both Rem Epod and one of the cat toys lit up.  This was a very active location for us.   

Hallway outside the balcony.  We did have some interesting responses to some questions.  Not as active as the main theater.  

Second floor women's bathroom:  We decided to do an EVP session in here because earlier during our walk through our meters were going off.   

Basement in the Green Room: We communicated with a male who once performed at the theater.  He died at age 27 in 1991.  His name was Mark.  His band played there in the 80's.  He was not the lead singer. He played the keyboard.   His band name was written on the wall.  The band name started with the letter R.   His band was from area or Chicago area and played there several times.  We searched the walls but could not get a confirmation on any of the band names.  Could have possibly been wiped off or faded.     

Star's dressing room on the 2nd floor:  We communicated with a black female performer.  She was Broadway singer who performed here in the 1960's.   Because of the sound she didn't like performing at this theater.  She was not from the area and she traveled a lot.    

Michelle Ward: I experienced a rush of excitement when I heard I’d be investigating the historic Rialto Theater with Dale and many other seasoned investigators. When we first entered the building I heard music playing. I even asked Sharon, the employee, if there was a radio on. She checked and said that no music had been playing. I think Novak may have heard the music, too.

Unfortunately I didn’t have my equipment ready because we just arrived. Although I did not capture anything significant on film, a few EVPs were recorded. I believe almost every one of us had some type of experience. Was it paranormal? Not sure but I’d love to return for another investigation some day.

Charles Williams: GRS members present: Dale Kaczmarek, Kathie Para, Marge Sucha, Mike Wright, Barb Meagher, and Chuck Williams

Hauntings:  A boy has been seen and played with, a woman in a bridal gown, shadow figures, music, noises, (An evil presence) in areas.

Equipment:  GoPro camera, Mel Meter with REM Pod function, Zoom Recorder, IR light (Borrowed from Dale).

Experiments:  Phasma Box, Ovilus X, EVP sessions.

Personal Experiences:  None.

Investigation:  We covered the facility pretty well, the only place we didn’t was the women’s washroom.  I didn’t think I was going to get much because it was generally a quiet night. 

Initial Outlook:  I was excited to investigate here, but I didn’t feel or hear or see anything other than device related.  Evidence proved me wrong, and I feel this place deems another investigation with our own crew and more controlled. 

Michael Wright: Spent the evening with Marge, Kathie and Barb doing EVP/dowsing rod sessions.

Right after the walkthrough, we spent some time with the people from the Afterlife group in the lower level; several of us were taking turns with the dowsing rods which were moving in response to the questions that were asked.

The second session was in the main auditorium, I used the Phasma Box and the motion ball, recorder and K-II. I did not pick up anything on the voice recorder but the K-II and motion ball were lighting up. Barb was also using a motion ball which was responding to questions.

We also did EVP sessions in the dressing room, hallway and ladies bathroom using the same equipment. But I did not pick up anything significant in those areas of the theater.  

Dale Kaczmarek: During our first session near the back staircase, I and a few others clearly heard what sounded like somebody was above us but the other part of the group was nowhere near that area. The Tri-Field Natural EM Meter was indicating a 2.0 right after this event of sounds coming from above us. This is unusual as this meter hardly ever alerts at all because it isn’t sensitive to internal AC fields. Shortly after this, the meter was reading a 0.0 indicating that there was nothing detectable there anymore.

I also heard a noise that resembled a squeak and several K-II meters went off at the same time.

While investigating around the Stage area, the Phasma Box said, “Balcony not good.” I immediately got the chills which quickly abated.

Later in the Dressing Room with all the mirrors, the Tri-Field Natural EM Meter in electric mode, placed on a chair, alerted again several times; again highly unusual! This was captured on video at the 2:33:30 mark.


The Ghost Research Society investigated the Rialto Square Theater on July 31, 2019. Team members included: Kathi Para, Marge Sucha, Barbara Meagher, Charles Williams, Michael Wright and Dale Kaczmarek with help from Len Novak from The Illinois Ghost Society, Michele "Shell" Ward from Graveside Paranormal, Bob Davies and John Isberg from Champaign Urbana Paranormal Society and John Klimek from Afterlife Tours, Inc.









Evidence collected:

2nd floor women’s room Jesus rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the 2nd floor women’s room, the device blurted out, “Jesus.”

Ahh too many questions rialto.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Balcony, Williams was in the main auditorium recording and picked up, “Ahh too many questions.”

Air rialto.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode near the Rear Stairs, a question was asked, “Who was touching me?” The device said, “Air.”

Asshole rialto.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode in the Balcony, the device blurted out, “Asshole.”

Awe say yeah rialto.MPG – during the initial walk-through, Williams picked up a whispery voice that sounds like it says, “Awe, say yeah.”

Balcony not good rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session near the Stage, the device blurted out, “Balcony not good.”

Batteries rialto.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in dictionary mode near the Rear Stairs, the device said, “Batteries.”

Both rialto.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in dictionary mode in the Balcony, a question was asked, “Are you in front or behind me?” The device said, “Both.”

Boy rialto.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Auditorium, Williams recorded a clear voice saying, “Boy.”

Bye rialto.MPG – while concluding an Ovilus X session in phonetic mode in the Balcony, Novak said bye and the device responded with, “Bye.”

Dale rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session near the Rear Stairs, a question was asked, “Why won’t you say Dale’s name?” The device responded with what sounds a bit like, “Dale.”

Dead men rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Dressing Room, the device said, “Dead men.”

Floating head rialto.MPG – while investigating in near total darkness, Novak was illuminated by something that he was holding and all you could see was a floating head which was a bit humorous.

Get out rialto.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Auditorium, two very faint whispery voices seem to be saying, “Get out” twice.

Get the hell otta here rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Long Hallway, a question was asked, “Are you trying to scold Bob for blinding people?” The device responded with, “Get the hell otta here.” (2:27:32 mark)

Hey rialto.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Balcony, a whispery voice was picked up and recorded that said, “Hey.”

Hopefully rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Dressing Room, a question was asked, “Will I hit a jackpot tonight if I go to the Harrah’s Casino?” The device responded with, “Hopefully.”

Humming rialto.MPG – during the initial walk-through, Leann was indicating a lot of activity here when the recorder pick up some “Humming”. When Leann asked Shell did she feel anything and she indicated that twice she did and repeated the same humming sound, Leann said, that’s it!

I couldn’t miss ‘em rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session near the Rear Stairs, a comment was made, “We had some things on the stairs that light up.” The device said, “I couldn’t miss ‘em.”

I don’t have rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session by the Rear Stairs, a question was asked, “What’s your favorite song from the ‘Music Man’?” The device responded with, “I don’t have…”  

I will not rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session by the Long Hallway, a question was asked, “Can you say Dale’s name?” The device responded with, “I will not.”

Jack is here rialto.MPG – while moving through the Balcony area, a voice was recorded that said, “Jack is here.”

John will grab our seats rialto.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Balcony, a voice was recorded that sounds like it says, “John will grab our seats.”

Listen rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Dressing Room, a comment was made, “So if you’re in the theater and can hear my voice…” The device talked over my comment and said, “Listen.”

Main theater scream rialto.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the Auditorium, a scream was recorded.

Maybe we’d have to wait rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session near the Rear Stairs, a question was asked, “If you were a musician, can you play us a song?” The device responded with, “Maybe we’d have to wait.”

No1 rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session near the Rear Stairs, a question was asked, “Is there someone walking on the stairs?” The device said, “No.”

No2 rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Auditorium, a comment was made, “Ok I’ll wait.” The device replied with, “No.”

Send prayers rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Dressing Room, the device blurted out, “Send prayers.”

Slam rialto.MPG – during our initial walk-through, several loud slams or crashes were recorded in the background but not heard by any investigators at the time.

Springsteen rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Dressing Room, a question was asked, “Who was your favorite entertainer who ever came here?” The device replied with, “Springsteen.”

This town rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Dressing Room, a question was asked, “Are you from Joliet…or a smaller town?” The device replied with what sounds like, “This town.”

Today rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session near the Rear Stairs, a question was asked, “Who was on the stairs earlier today?” The device said, “Today.”

Yeah rialto.MPG – during our initial walk-through and as Leann was speaking to the group, a fairly loud female was recorded in the background saying, “Yeah.”

You outta know rialto.MPG – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Long Hallway upstairs, a question was asked, “If you’re not Collin. Who are you?” The device responded with, “You outta know.”

Words spoken by the Ovilus X in dictionary mode: Balcony Area – dollar, decided, corner and batteries; phonetic mode – Help; Balcony Area – cents and seed; phonetic mode – beautiful, happy and help.

Conclusions: There were plenty of EVPs and direct responses to questions asked as well as equipment interaction. Several people experience cold chills or the sensation of being touched while investigating the building.

More equipment and surveillance cameras should have been used especially in areas that weren’t being investigated at any time due to investigators hearing noises and even human voices coming from those areas.

Additional investigations could probably yield more results and supplemental infrared illumination would definitely help in those areas like the Auditorium that was so large and hard to cover with the illumination provided by the recording devices. I truly believe that there are spirits in this building and many of them celebrities and performers from the past and in fact probably a former Miss America Beauty Pageant person.

Time seemed to fly past so quickly due to the length of the walk-through and later setting up of equipment and breaking into smaller teams. I believe that a walk-through is simply that…a chance to get a feel for a particular structure and not necessarily a fly-by-fly investigation of every room we encountered.

One area that probably needed to be examined more carefully was the restroom where several sets of muddy, bare footprints were seen and photographed. There were some high EMF readings in that room that was quickly debunked as electric lines and Wi-Fi cables that created those higher than normal readings.

Teams were too close to one another in this very large building. Several times throughout the night other teams contaminated the other team’s EVP sessions. They could definitely hear that another group was conducting a session and should have either moved to another area or kept the voices low. This only tends to contaminate a session and possibly destroy good evidence that might have been captured.

In the future, 2-way radios will be passed out to each team to let each other know where another team is located so that this doesn’t happen again. Some team members split off by themselves which is something I never encourage. One, it for safety purposes and, two, there is another set of eyes and ears to see or hear something that may be encountered. Also that tends to split the entire team into too many smaller segments and then if a noise or voice is picked up, there is no way to be sure that it is real or supernatural.

Besides the above, I enjoyed myself here but next time a more thorough game plan will be instituted beforehand to address the above issues.

Ghost Research Society (www.ghostresearch.org)
© 2019 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek