Blackford County Speakeasy Investigation

Date: September 26, 2015

Location: circa 205 Washington Street, Hartford, City, Indiana 47348. It’s located on the second floor next to Common Grounds. Accessed via a blue doorway that leads to a set of stairs.

Owner: Dann Allen


History: Not much is known about this building besides its connection with gambling, illegal liquor and prostitution during the Prohibition Era. Afterwards the rest of the upstairs, except the large room used as a gambling facility, was divided into small apartments and offices. Generally speaking, the upstairs isn’t in bad shape and is accessed through a long steep set of stairs from the sidewalk level.








Hauntings: Many visitors to this area have heard disembodied voices and even old music. Many have been touched while sitting in the rooms by something unseen. Others hear voices whispering right beside them or in their ears. When they quickly turn in the direction of the voices, nobody is there!



The Ghost Research Society investigated Blackford County Speakeasy on  September 26, 2015. Team members included: Stan Suho, Marge Sucha, Kathie Para, Michael Wright, Katherine Meagher, Jim Piscopo, Charles Williams and Dale Kaczmarek 








Equipment setup: We consolidated our investigation to the big room used as a gambling venue in the past and set up a few static and full spectrum cameras along with REM Epods, K-II meters and Melmeters with proximity probe.

Experiments performed: We conducted EVP, Ovilus X and a Ghost Box session in the upstairs and attempted to roleplay as though we were gamblers, gangsters and visitors from the past in an attempt to illicit a response from the unseen entities that might be around.

Personal experiences:

Stan Suho: After an hour of this we packed up and went down the street to an old 1930s dance hall in an old building from that era. Seems like every building from that era had a dance hall. We formed up into another EVP group and sat around the Ballroom listening for the strains of "Those Fabulous Dorceys". We did pick up some voices, but they seemed to be coming from street level. I always expect these Ballrooms to be more paranormally active than they turn out to be. Well we got in about an hour EVPing which Jim Videotaped and I photographed.

Kathie Para: Members present were: Dale, Stan, Chuck, Kat, Jim, Marge and me.

We spent just a short time in this location and were only able to do one EVP session. We didn’t expect to be investigating there so we weren’t prepared with any appropriate trigger objects.

We seemed to get some relevant responses but I can’t say conclusively after reviewing my audio.

The location was interesting and it’s unfortunate we couldn’t do a proper investigation.

Marge Sucha: Equipment: FLIR, Ovilus, SB-11 Sprit box.

When we first sat down to do an EVP session the Ovilus said “Hey, Hi"

Then one by one we started to give our drink orders.  Ovilus replied, something here.

Chuck started making a noise like a horn was playing then several investigators started asking about the music.  Ovilus replied- Mark played out.

After that the room became quiet. 

Overall the speakeasy was quiet that night however; when you did get an answer to a question it was direct.  

Dale Kaczmarek: It was a creepy old place and, of course, it looked nothing like the speakeasy of its time. There were long hallways and many smaller offices, however we decided to spend our time within the confines of the large room used for gambling and fun in the past.

I did not feel or sense anything unusual in the building nor did I have any personal encounters; however we weren’t there that long and only conducted one EVP session. This was the second of two places that we investigated in Hartford City; the first being the old jail which was much more interesting.

Evidence collected:

Coffee pot speakeasy.MPG – while walking around the upstairs, a strange male voice sort of echoes in the background saying, “Coffee pot.”

Eight speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “How much did it cost for a female escort? I got a lot of money.” The Ghost Box responds with what sounds like, “Eight.”

Hello speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a clear male voice comes through the device and says, “Hello.”  

Help speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a clear female voice comes through and says, “Help.”

I am speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “Who’s in charge of this operation here?” The Ghost Box responds with, “I am.”

I’m hallucinating speakeasy.MPG – while walking up the stairs, a voice is heard saying, “I’m hallucinating.”

Lights out1 speakeasy.MPG – while walking around the upstairs a whispery voice says, “Lights out.”

Lights out2 speakeasy.MPG – while preparing for an EVP session and in total darkness, a voice is heard in the large room saying, “Lights out.”

Me speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “Who is I?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Me.”

No bon bon speakeasy.MPG – the group was discussing something when suddenly a male whisper in the background says, “No bon bon (?)”

No speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “Are females allowed in the back room?” The Ghost Box responds with, “No.”

Sex speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “What do you do in the back room?” The Ghost Box responds with what sounds like, “Sex.”

Sup speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “Hey, how ya’ doing?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Sup.”  

Voice speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a high-pitched female voice come through the device.

Who’s Chet speakeasy.MPG – right after Piscopo makes a grunt, a whisper in the background says, “Who’s Chet?”

Yes1 speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “Is there a back room?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Yes.”

Yes2 speakeasy.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session, a question was asked, “Does a madam own this establishment?” The Ghost Box responds with, “Yes.”

Conclusions: Even though we weren’t in the building very long, I believe we accumulated some quality EVPs, Ovilus and Ghost Box responses as well as a number of unexplained whispers. The strangest one picked up was (strange voice), as it almost sounds like that person was in a great deal of pain.

This area probably needs to be thoroughly investigated on a weekday when the outside noise would be at a minimum from nearby pedestrians, neighborhood bars and a nearby Laundromat. If we can limit the amount of extraneous and naturally occurring noises and voices, it would be more beneficial for a quality EVP session.

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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek