The Trans-Allegheny
Lunatic Asylum, constructed between 1858 and 1881, is the largest hand-cut stone
masonry building in North
America, and is purportedly the second largest in the world, next to the
Kremlin. It was designed by the renowned architect Richard Andrews following the
Kirkbride plan, which called for long rambling wings arranged in a staggered
formation, assuring that each of the connecting
structures received an abundance of therapeutic sunlight and fresh air. The
original hospital, designed to house 250 souls, was open to patients in 1864 and
reached its peak in the 1950's with 2,400 patients in overcrowded and generally
poor conditions. Changes in the treatment of mental illness and the physical
deterioration of the facility forced its closure in 1994 inflicting a
devastating effect on the local economy, from which it has yet to recover.
The first floor has a
wing that is called the Civil War Wing which is the oldest part of the hospital.
It is also sometimes referred to as the Veteran’s Area. Along a hallway on
this floor was a patient named Ruth how was very violent towards men and would
often throw things at them. On the second floor in Ward 2 was a general purpose
ward and further down was the men’s ward. On the third floor is where
Geriatrics is located along with the Nurses Quarters and an Auditorium which
once housed plays and movies and also was a chapel for a time. It also hosted
policeman’s balls in the past. The opposite hallway is where some of the most
violent female patients were housed in the past. Individual isolation cells were
where many were shackled to the floor originally in chains and later in leather
restraints. At the end of the isolation hallway is Dean’s Room where an
patient almost hung by two fellow patients and when they noticed he was still
moving, that dragged him into the room, place one end of the bed post on his
head and they both jumped on the bed until the post penetrated his skull
instantly killing him!
The fourth floor
hallway was gutted by a fire in 1935 and they installed wooden floorboards
instead of concrete. Along this hallway is Lily’s Room which is in Ward R. It
is an especially creepy part of the building.
at: 71
Asylum Dr., Weston, WV. 26452 Telephone: 304-269-5070 Website:
On the second floor in
Ward Two very near a room where a man was stabbed seventeen times by another
patient, shadowy figures have often been encountered. Just across the hall from
this, two patients committed suicide by hanging themselves from curtain rods
within the room. A number of investigators have captured EVPs saying “Get
out” at this location and many will hear their names called out by the
spirits. On the third floor
Nurses Quarters, doors close by themselves. Our tour guide Zach even claimed to
have seen an apparition of a nurse in the corridor to the left for a fleeting
glimpse. It greatly shook him up at the time. In the Geriatrics Hallway, shadowy
figures are encountered and many strange noises. Across the Geriatrics where
some of the most violent female patients were kept, people hear their names
called out and disembodied screams in the distance along with footsteps. The
ghost of Dean apparently haunts the room where his violent murder took place at
the end of the isolation hallway and a nurse named Elizabeth can sometimes be
encountered here as well. At the end of the next hallway is where a ghost called
Big Jim has been encountered and numerous EVPs. On the fourth floor,
Ward R is perhaps one of the creepiest hallways in the entire hospital when it
comes to feelings and sensations. This is where the ghost of Lily can sometimes
be communicated with. Another investigative group was here taking pictures when
they captured a black blog which was indistinguishable and when they asked their
SB-7 Ghost Box what it was, the Ghost Box responded with “Demon.” There is
another weird apparition called a “creeper” that apparently crawls or slinks
along on the floor. The sounds of someone or something banging on pipes can
often be heard and the ghosts of both Jessie and Andrew frequent this hallway.
The GRS investigated the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum on
May 16, 2015 and the team included: Kathie Para, Marge Sucha, Katherine Meagher,
Michael Wright, Sandy Weber and Dale Kaczmarek with help from Bob Davies, Lori
Leger, Chris Cochran, John Isberg and Ryan Buckley from Champaign Urbana
Paranormal Society.
setup: Since this was a public event and we were
constantly being moved from floor to floor, no equipment was set up. I used
hand-held equipment only such as: Melmeter 8704-REM, SB-11 Ghost Box, Ovilus X, digital camera, digital
tape recorder, Sony Nightshot IR 8mm camcorder, Dowsing Rods, Laser Grid, REM
Epod. Experiments
performed: EVP, SB-11 Ghost Box and Ovilus X sessions were conducted on all
floors along with some Dowsing Rod sessions. Personal
experiences: Kathie
Para: GRS investigated this four story location along with four members of
C.U.P.S. Members of GRS present were: Mike, Kat, Marge, Sandy, Dale and myself.
Our group and C.U.P.S. members were assigned to Kyle, a Trans Allegheny guide.
This was my second time investigating this building and expectations were high. First
Floor: In the cafeteria and kitchen
area we heard a few yells and screams; we had very high Melmeter readings, K-II
activity and flashlight activity In Lily’s room the trigger object large ball in
the middle of the room appeared to move. The hallway right outside of the isolation room was
exceptionally active. We got high readings on the Melmeter and Dale got
prolonged goose bumps and freezing cold hands. Dale seemed to be the object of
the activity and we thought it might be Ruth, the spirit of a patient who
disliked men and would throw things at them. Marge, while standing by Dale, had
the hair on her neck stand up and also got goose bumps. With the Ovilus on, Ruth
was asked if she wanted us to leave. We got no answer. Dale then asked if she
wanted everyone to leave or just him. The Ovilus answered “you”. At that
very same moment we heard something being thrown a short ways down the hall.
Assuming this was a pissed off Ruth; we respected her and moved to another area. Second
floor: While standing and listening to Kyle talk in Ward E, the male ward, I was
leaning against the wall and a gigantic blast of cold air rushed past me. It was
so strong it startled me and I began to see if anyone else noticed a wind. No
one else felt a thing and there was not even a faint breeze after that. In the children’s ward we did an EVP session in
Emily’s room. We had quite a lot of K-II activity here in direct response to
our questions. Marge felt as if she was touched on her neck. The Day Room on the second floor showed some
activity on the K-II meters. The “suicide room” where two teenage boys hung
themselves with bed sheets gave me a headache and I had to leave and stand
outside the door. I asked if they killed themselves on purpose or was it an
accident. Reviewing my audio I got a faint response to this that sounds like
“suicide.” Dale and I also heard a distant yell while standing outside this
room. Third
Floor: This floor housed the most violent patients and criminals and also the
geriatrics ward. Big Jim’s room provided a lot of K-II activity during a
dowsing rod session. Also, one member’s ghost box turned on all by itself. We
also had a little activity in “Dean’s room” including hearing a very soft
voice on my recorder later, what sounded like a yell and the word “horrible”
from the Ovilus while talking about the murder that took place in this room. Fourth
Floor: We spent significant time in the hall right outside of “Jim’s
room”. K-II activity was consistent on more than one device. There was a chair
inside the closet of Jim’s room. According to Kyle, that was Jim’s chair and
he didn’t like it when anyone else sat in it. Of course, Bob, one of our group
went into the room and sat on the chair. At this time Dale turned his Ovilus on.
It immediately said “you get right up….out of”. During the rest of the
time Bob sat in the chair the Ovilus kept saying “up…up.” I don’t believe this location was quite as active
as it had been during my visit two years earlier but it did not disappoint. I would be eager to return to Trans Allegheny
Lunatic Asylum for a third time! Katherine
Meagher: This historically
preserved asylum is the biggest I have ever seen. I liked the fact that they
really put the money they get for tours and investigations back into the
building. I also found out that there is a vigorous training program that the
volunteers go through just so they can volunteer. When
we first stepped through the doors the K-II Meters were going off instantly. Not
saying I put all my faith into electronic devices saying there are ghosts in the
building. The young man that was giving the tour was full of history and had a
good rapport with the possible entities that were there. He did a dowsing rod
session that was unbelievable. I
have gone through the evidence that I acquired and will send it in once I have
revisited it to make sure it was an EVP that I picked up on my recorder. There
were still a lot of people that were in the building and contamination was high. I
have to say, if you want to go to a well-preserved building with professional
guides, this is the place for you. Marge
Sucha: We arrived early
evening. Temperature was low
to mid 70's. We
did our first EVP session in the Kitchen.
In this area we communicated with a spirit the staff calls Jack.
We had the flashlight turn on and off on command and also did a Dowsing
Rod session. Next
we moved to the Cafeteria. While
doing an EVP session we did hear a distant scream but I was unable to pick it up
on my recorder. Lily's
Room (Playroom) I did not have any experiences in this room. First
floor, Isolation - Dale, Kathie, Sandy and I decided to investigate this area.
There is a spirit in this area the staff refers to as Ruth.
Ruth does not like men and has been known to throw things at them.
It felt like most of the activity in this area revolved around Dale.
We had Temperature fluctuations and heard what sounded like something
being thrown at us. Several of us
felt the temperature change around us. The
Ovilus said the word OUT. Dale
asked "Do you want us to leave or do you want just me to leave?"
Ovilus replied You--- Out. 2nd
floor- Emily's Room/ Infant - Ages 10 - We did have some K-II hits in this area. Visitors
Lounge/ Day Room- This area seemed fairly quiet that night.
While going over my evidence I did pick up a distant scream. 2nd
Floor Common area.
While everyone else went down to the first floor I stayed upstairs in the
common area and did an EVP session alone. Later
one of the investigators came back up and while we were having a conversation I
caught a whisper on my recorder. 3rd
Floor - Dean's Room, I did not feel anything in this room but did pick up a
whisper on my recorder. 4th
Floor we had some K-II hits and some interesting responses on the Ovilus TALA
was a very interesting place to investigate.
Lots of history in this building.
I would love to go back sometime. Sandy
Weber: Equipment:
Sony night shot video camera, Infrared camera (FLIR), dousing rods, and
Tri-Field Natural EM meter Phenomena witnessed by investigator “Jack’s room” (old pharmacy): A spirit named Jack is alleged
to frequent this room. Our guide
used a flashlight with a sensitive on-off switch to communicate with something,
and appeared to turn the flashlight on and off in response to the guide’s
requests. The guide then left
the area and we continued to attempt to communicate with “Jack” using
dousing rods. The rods appeared to
move in response to a request to point to where “Jack” was in the room and
to answer questions. When leaving
the room one member of the team detected a brief spike in magnetic reading.
By that time, the Tri-Field was not in use, being too sensitive to use
while walking. “Lily’s room: A
beach ball was placed in the middle of the floor to see if it would tempt “Lily”
to play. As Dale passed near the
ball it appeared to move slightly. While
Dale does not think he brushed against it, this is a possibility.
A coin was placed on top of it after it was seen to move, but the coin
did not fall off. Some voices of
investigators in other areas contaminated the sound recording.
There was no evidence on my video camera or FLIR. “Emily’s room”/Room for children under 10 years old:
A K-II meter used by Kathie Para seemed to turn on in response to an
invitation to come closer and make the light go on.
Marge Sucha thought something touched her neck. Some voices of
investigators in other areas contaminated the sound recording.
There was no evidence on my video camera or FLIR. There were no spikes on
the Tri-Field. Women’s admitting room/day room:
My cell phone vibrated – even though it was turned off.
Some voices and footsteps of investigators in other areas contaminated
the sound recording, and flashlights contaminated the video.
There was no evidence on my video camera or FLIR. There were no spikes on
the Tri-Field. “Suicide” room: Kathie
Para developed a headache in this room. Some
voices of investigators in other areas contaminated the sound recording.
There was no evidence on my video camera or FLIR. There were no spikes on
the Tri-Field. “Dean’s murder” room: There
was too much reflection in this room to use the FLIR.
Investigators in other areas and passing cars contaminated the sound
recording on my video camera. There
was no evidence on my video camera or spikes on the Tri-Field. Female geriatric area: Kat Meagher sat inside a cage in this room
and used the dousing rods. The rods
appeared to answer her question. There
was talking in the background that contaminated the sound recording.
There was no evidence on my video camera or FLIR. There were no spikes on
the Tri-Field. 4th floor outside “Jim’s room”:
Dale’s Ovilus was particularly active here and may have said “UP!”
and “You get right up!” when Bob Davies sat in “Jim’s” chair.
A flashlight turned on for about 2 ½ minutes before turning off.
There was the smell of something burning. 4th floor room with 3 closets:
There may have been a groan recorded on my video camera, and Dale’s
ghost box may have given responses (which other members of the group heard but I
did not). Summation: There was no evidence collected that I would consider
conclusive evidence of paranormal activity.
However, there were a number of interesting subjective experiences of
paranormal activity as reported above. Also,
the subjective experiences reported by Trans Allegheny staff are numerous and
impressive. Michael
Wright: The Asylum opened in
the late 1800’s and it remained operational until the Asylum closed in 1994. In
recent years the Asylum has opened as a historical landmark and for Paranormal
Investigating. Dale
Kaczmarek: One of my most
interesting experiences occurred at the first floor isolation ward where some of
West Virginia’s first HIV positive cases were kept. This was later used as a
drunk tank. The Melmeter began to spike around the entrance to the doorway and
got as high as 1.5. It stayed a constant .6-.8 for quite some time. Then, all of
a sudden, I began to experience the coldest chills on my arms, hands and legs.
It wasn’t a draft coming from the door, as other researchers there initially
did not feel anything cold. This went on for several minutes and then completely
dissipated. An Ovilus X recording made then captured a unique response to a
question asked. I asked, “Do you want ME to leave?” The Ovilus replied with,
“You!” I believe we may have been in contact with the spirit of a former
patient called Ruth who was housed on that floor and did not like men. Since I
was the only male in the group at the time, I believe this was the reason that I
was targeted. During
the initial walk-through, I got a 4.5 hit on the Melmeter in the hallway by the
kitchen. I and several of the group heard a disembodied groan on the fourth
floor room with the three closets. The
most interesting Ovilus response was on the fourth floor near Jim’s room.
There was a chair in the closet that apparently a ghost by the name of Jim likes
to sit in and gets very upset when others sit in his chair. Bob Davies decided
to push the bubble and sit in the chair. I turned on the Ovilus and before a
question was even asked, in phonetic mode, the device said, “You get right
up!” Evidence
collected: 1st
floor distant yell tala.MPG – during the initial walk-through on the 1st
floor, a distant yell can be heard in the background. 2nd
floor distant yell tala.MPG – during the initial walk-through on the 2nd
floor, a distant yell can be heard in the background. 2nd
floor faint whisper tala.MPG – while conducting an EVP session on the 2nd
floor, a question was asked, “Did you mean to kill yourself or were you just
goofing around?” A faint whisper is heard in response. 2nd
floor whisper tala.MPG – whilst talking amongst themselves, a very
strange-sounding whisper is heard in the background. 3rd
floor Dean’s room strange scream tala.MPG – while conducting an EVP in
Dean’s Room on the 3rd floor, a very strange sounding scream in
heard echoing through the corridors. While some in the group believe it may have
come from a bar across the street, the noise does sound very close and appears
to be within the building and echoes. 3rd
floor whisper tala.MPG – you will hear some researchers talking first and
towards the end of the clip, a lot of whispery voices conversing. Chills
isolation tala.MPG – this video segment was shot on the 1st floor
in front the Isolation Room when Dale Kaczmarek began to experience extreme
chills, hairs rising up on his arms and neck, cold spots and EMF hits on the
Melmeter upwards of 1.5. Distant
scream tala.MPG – a faint scream can be heard in the background. Faint
scream 3rd flr tala.MPG – during our initial walk-through of the
building on the 3rd floor, a faint scream can clearly be heard in the
background. Groan
tala.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session on the 4th floor in
the room with the three closets, a disembodied groan is heard by all that did
not come from the Ghost Box. Here
tala.MPG – while conducting an EVP session on the 3rd floor in Big
Jim’s Room, a question was asked, “Big Jim, where are you standing at
tonight?” A response was heard that says, “Here.” Horrible
tala.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session in Dean’s Room on the 3rd
floor, a question was asked, “What happened in this room?” The Ovilus
responds with, “Horrible.” Howl
tala.MPG – while conducting an EVP session on the 1st floor, a howl
was heard in the background. No
tala.MPG – while conducting an EVP and Dowsing Rod session on the 3rd
floor in the room with the cage, a question was asked, “Do you mind visitors
coming like this on weekends?” A response was captured that sounds like,
“No.” Not
that creep Dean tala.MPG – while concluding our EVP session in Dean’s Room
on the 3rd floor, a whispery voice is heard saying, “Not that creep
Dean!” Orb
tala.MPG – while conducting our initial walk-through on the 1st
floor near the Isolation Room, a picture was taken inside the room and
immediately a light anomaly is seen traveling from right to left. Out
tala.MPG – while investigating around the Isolation Room on the 1st
floor, the Ovilus X suddenly says, “Out.” Response1
tala.MPG – nearing the end of our investigation of the Isolation Room on the 1st
floor, a question was asked, “Who do you want to leave here?” A response is
heard coming from down the corridor which cannot be made out. Scream1
tala.MPG – while conducting an EVP session in the hallway near the kitchen on
the 1st floor, a scream is heard in the background. Up
tala.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session on the 4th floor
near Jim’s Room, a question was asked, “You want Bob to get up?” The
Ovilus responds with, “Up.” Us
tala.MPG – while conducting a Ghost Box session on the 4th floor in
the room with the three closets, a question was asked, “Who just groaned in
here?” The Ovilus responds with, “Us.” Whistling
tala.MPG – during our initial walk-through of the 3rd floor, a
strange whistling sound is heard in the background. You
get right up tala.MPG – during an Ovilus X session on the 4th floor
near Jim’s Room. Bob Davies had just sat down in a chair that allegedly
belongs to a spirit named Jim who often becomes agitated when people use his
chair. As soon as the Ovilus was switched to phonetic mode, it says, “You get
right up!” You
tala.MPG – while conducting an Ovilus X session on the 1st floor
near the Isolation Room, a question was asked, “Do you want us to go away? Do
you want ME to go away?” The
Ovilus responds with, “You.” Conclusions:
While this visit to Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum wasn’t as active as far as
disembodied screams during our initial walk-through, it did not disappoint me
either. There were plenty of personal experiences especially at the Isolation
Room where I was apparently attacked by the spirit of Ruth and told to leave.
This was also documented by EMF readings; however the cold spots did not seem to
register on any devices except the human body which is often the best piece of
equipment you can use during any investigation. It can instantly pick up the
minutest amounts of static electricity, chills and other tactical responses. There
were also a lot of other very intelligent responses both through the Ghost Box
and Ovilus but some great Class A EVPs like the one captured in Dean’s Room
that says, “Not that creep Dean!” It proves that there are a lot more than
just residual energies that abound in this location but also some true
earthbound spirits that still cling to this place for their various reasons.
It’s always a great place to revisit as the location seems to have a constant
flow of spirits and never-ending adventures. I would not hesitate to travel back
here again or perhaps investigate the Medical Building instead.
On the first floor a
number of people have been pushed up against walls and have heard whistling
sounds emanating from down the hallway. People often encounter the ghost of Ruth
along this hallway as well.
I was fortunate enough to go on an investigation to the Asylum. The most
impressive feature was the massive size of the building and the recent rehab
work that was completed.
There were several groups of people investigating the building the same time as
GRS, We all sat through an orientation meeting on the first floor we then split
off into separate groups on each floor.
We started off investigating on the first floor in the Kitchen area where there
was quite a bit of K-II activity that seemed to be responding to our group’s
facilitators. My recorder was in another room and it picked up some very faint
whispers but it could have been from other groups in the building. Also did EVP
sessions in Lily’s room and out in the hallway where the checkerboard was
setup. There was some K-II activity in the hallway but did not pick up any
On the second floor there was a great deal of K-II activity during the walk
through, We heard noises but again it was hard to distinguish if it was coming
from other people in building or from something else. Felt very uneasy and had a
cold spot on my shoulder outside the restroom where the murders took place.
On the third floor we did a Dowsing Rod session with our facilitator which was
the highlight of the evening for me, the Dowsing Rods actually bent upwards
responding to the questions. There were K-II Spikes and temperature fluctuations
when we moved down the hallway.
The fourth floor was fairly quiet but when I was walking down the long hallway I
saw shadows moving in several places. It was very late so it could have been
eyes from being tired.
One day is not enough time to spend investigating in such a large building so I
would definitely return to Trans Alleghany to investigate further if the
opportunity arose.
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© 2015 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek