Villisca Axe House Investigation

This home is the site of eight unsolved murders from June 10, 1912. Two adults, Josiah and Sarah Moore, and their children, Herman, Katherine, Boyd, and Paul, were brutally murdered in their beds. There were two little girls visiting that night who were murdered as well, Lena and Ina Stillinger.

It is believed that the killer entered the house and hid while the family and their guests were out at a church function. Later that night after everyone went to bed the killer emerged and killed them all with an axe. It is a horrific crime that stuns the town and police had suspects that included Senator Frank F. Jones, Reverend George Kelly, Henry Moore and William “Blackie” Mansfield.

The once flourishing town of Villisca is smaller today than it was at the time of the murders in 1912. The residents there were in favor of demolishing the Moore home and putting the tragic history behind them. Instead the house was purchased by Darwin Linn. The home has been restored and tours are available.

In 2014, a guy living here plunged a knife into his chest.





Address: 508 E. 2nd St., Villisca, Iowa 50864

Phone: 712-621-1530

Owner: Martha Linn





Hauntings: Shadow figures have been seen throughout the house including the attic. Numerous EVPs have been recorded, some in French. People have heard “Dad” called out.

Things seem to happen quite regularly if you place a chair in the doorway to the attic with the door open and sitting with your back to the attic. Footsteps are often heard and disembodied voices.





The Ghost Research Society investigated the Villisca Axe House on July 18, 2021 and the team members included: Kathie Para, Michael Wright, Mike Rosario, Barbara Meagher, Jim Piscopo, Greg Kos and Dale Kaczmarek








Equipment setup: A 4k Nightshot camcorder was used to document the initial walk-through, EVP sessions and solo walk upstairs in the bedrooms. A Tri-Field Natural EM Meter was employed in the bedrooms as well. Digital recorder and cameras were employed. We used the Phasma Box and Paranormal Puck 2b for real-time communications. The Ovilus and X-Cam SLS camera, dowsing rods and Mike’s Ovilus was used.

Experiments performed: A Phasma Box session was conducted in the Living Room along with a Paranormal Puck 2b, dowsing rods and Ovilus. Kaczmarek conducted a solo EVP session in the upstairs bedroom with the crib.

Three Estes Method sessions were conducted; two by Kos; one downstairs in the Living Room and one upstairs with his back towards the attic. Kaczmarek also did a similar session in the same position that Kos was sitting. None of the sessions provided any useful information.

Personal experiences:

Greg Kos: The equipment I used included the S-Box and SB-7, EDI+, and my IR camcorder. We had six people to investigate so we split into 3s due to the size of the house. There was a little toy soldier on a table upstairs that fell down by itself but we debunked it due to a soft floor. We did Estes both upstairs and down with nothing really standing out. There was a strange cat that showed up, that was weird. We slept in the living room and were woken by an extremely loud bang at 3:00 AM. I would love to follow up at both locations... BTW at Villisca I did go into the attic at 6:00ish and felt there were a few spirits in there trying to hide! I never felt their presence later in the evening except in the parents’ bedroom.

Barbara Meagher: The Villisca Ax Murder House was toured and investigated. Several EVP sessions were conducted but no EVPs were heard on review of the recordings.  Several photos were taken with no paranormal images captured. On the second floor an EVP session was done and there was quite a bit of activity near the blue doll in the crib. The EMF meter went off frequently during the investigation. The Ovilus did pick up the words “blue doll.” Dale got several stick figures near one of the doorways on the second floor near the attic.

I spent the night on the floor in the living room with Mike, Kathy, and Greg. Early in the morning, around 4am there was a very loud bang that woke us all up; maybe the piano bench slamming down. It seemed to have come from near Mike who was sleeping close to the piano. Also a gray cat wondered in from outside and slept on the couch with us the whole night.

Kathie Para: Members of GRS investigating this location were Dale, Jim, Barbara, Mike, Greg and I. We did EVP sessions pretty much throughout the whole house. We did get some responses from both the Phasma Box and during the Estes Method but I felt nothing conclusive.

After investigating Barb, Greg, Mike and I settled down in the living room to sleep for the night. Several times during the night I heard what sounded like footsteps coming down the stairs. In the middle of the night there was a loud bang by the piano. It was loud enough to feel a vibration while lying on the floor.  It startled and woke all of us except Barb. I have no idea how she could have slept through that. It would be interesting to return there and investigate further.

Jim Piscopo: I arrived at the house around 4:30pm. John gave us a very informative history of the house. After that the group went for diner. Have already eaten I stayed at the house and started setting up my equipment. I set up my Sony camcorder with night vision facing the downstairs bedroom. I put another IR light in the bedroom. I placed my laptop with the Phasma Box next to my camcorder and started doing some EVPs. I also took some pictures with my Fuji Film 1000s of the interior and exterior of the house. The group came back and after setting up more equipment we started doing more EVPs downstairs. After that we went upstairs to do EVPs using the Estes Method. We came back downstairs did some more EVPs and called it a night about 2:30am. Dale and I went to our motel while Mike, Kathie Barb, and Greg Stayed overnight at the house.  

Being it was such a small house we kept the group together while investigating to try to avoid contamination. During our time in the house I felt nothing unusual in the house and got some good responses during the EVPs


Michael Wright: There were six of us investigating the house Dale, Greg, Jim, Barb and Kathy. We started on the main floor in the living room with an EVP session I was using a recorder and K-II did not pick up anything with either device but did hear some weird static on the recorder. Greg had a Edi+ Meter that was intermittingly spiking, Dale started using the Phasma Box then Greg started a Estes Method session using the portal which I could hear some of the voices on my recorder.

We then went upstairs and did an EVP session and used the recorder, K-II meter, dowsing rods and Ovilus. Greg did another Estes Method session. The K-II meter in the crib was responding and Greg had some interesting responses to the questions that were being asked while he was doing the Estes session. Dale was the next one to try the Estes Method there were figures near Dale on the SLS camera that Greg and Barbara were using. My recorder picked up some rustling noises the same time we heard it in real time.

We did another session downstairs Dale was using his new audio device and I was using my Ovilus which was talking almost the entire session.

Dale and Jim left the house after that session and Kathy, Greg, Barb and I stayed the night. During the night there was a loud bang right by me which woke most of us. The highlight for me was the little cat that came in and stayed the night with us she slept next to me the entire night.

Dale Kaczmarek: We tried two Estes Method sessions upstairs and one downstairs but both of them proved fruitless and methodology was a bit flawed. I could hear people talking and asking questions almost the entire time I used the method with my back to the attic. Protocols must be in place before future sessions can be conducted scientifically in my opinion otherwise it will be a waste of time and resources.

During a quick solo tour of the upstairs two things of interest happened to me. First a small Statue of Liberty plastic statue fell over on a small table. There is the possibility though that my walking around could have caused it to fall over. Later, when I was sitting quietly in the bedroom with the crib, I saw what looked like a figure quickly dart of the attic doorway and enter in the bedroom near the stairs. It wasn’t however captured on the camcorder.

A lot of random words came through the Paranormal Puck 2b with only a few that could have applied to the location we were at. Those words were; cellar, witch, bar (as one of the first investigators to the scene was drunk), Indian, plate (as there are some dishware original to the house still here) church (there was a church nearby).

Evidence collected:

A group of them villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session on the main floor, a question was asked, “How many children lived in this house?” The device responded with, “A group of them.”

Alive villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session on the main floor, the device blurted out, “Alive.”

An ax villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “What kind of weapon was used to kill these people?” The device replied with what sounds like, “An ax.”

Anything else villisca.MP4 - while conducting a Phasma Box session on the main floor, the device said, “Anything else?”

Cousins female voice 123 villisca.MP4 - while conducting a Phasma Box session on the main floor, a question was asked, “Can you tell me your name?” The device responded in a deep male voice with, “Cousins” followed by a female voice that counted, “1, 2, 3.”

Darlene going to walk outside villisca.MP4 - while conducting a Phasma Box session on the main floor, the device said, “Darlene.” A question was then asked, “What are you going to do after church?” The device replied in a female voice, “Going to walk outside.”

Four teacups villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the kitchen, the device said, “Four teacups.”

Greg hey there baby villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device blurted out, “Greg hey there baby.” (Greg and the rest of the group hadn’t arrived yet.)

Help me best villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device suddenly said. “Help me (best?)” and then followed by a high-pitched whine.  

Hi Jim found the sword villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session on the main floor, the device clearly said, “Hi Jim found the sword.”

Hi1 villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device said, “Hi.”

Hi2 villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device said, “Hi.”

How’s that villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device said, “How’s that?”

Husband bitch I’m sorry now villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device blurted out, “Husband bitch I’m sorry now.”

I grabbed her neck villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device retorted, “I grabbed her neck.”

I see something coming villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device said, “I see something coming.”

It’s fighting on top of me what’s happening villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device blurted out, “Its fighting on top of me, what’s happening.”

Kevin villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “Who is this?” The device responded with, “Kevin.”

Laughing villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the sound of laughter comes through the device.

Let’s go and find ‘em villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device said, “Let’s go and find ‘em.”

Nothing’s here I’m sure somebody’s out there walked villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, multiple voices come through saying, “Nothing’s here I’m sure” and “Somebody’s out there.” A question was asked, “How did you get into the house?” A gruff male voice comes through and says, “Walked.”

Questions villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “You like the people coming to visit you?” The device responded with, “Questions.”

Ron villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “Who killed everyone?” The response that came through was, “Ron.”

Seven villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “How many people lived here?” The response sounded like, “Seven.” (That would be an incorrect response though.)

Sixty nine villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “How many people died in this house?” A very clear response was heard and recorded as, “Sixty nine.”

Statue fell over villisca.MP4 – while conducting a solo walk-through the upstairs bedroom with the crib, a plastic Statue of Liberty statue fell over on a small table. (I suppose the statue could have been knocked over by the vibration of me walking through the room.)

Stop we miss you villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a female voice says, “Stop”, followed by a male voice saying, “We miss you.”

There are bodies villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a voice comes through that sounds like it says, “There are bodies.”

There’s something villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a child’s voice says, “There’s something…”

Tranquil I see watch the computer villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, multiple voices come through and say first in an adult male voice, “Tranquil”, followed by a child’s voice, “I see” and finally an adult’s voice, “Watch the computer.”

Upstairs I bang her villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, the device says, “Upstairs” followed by a gruff male voice saying, “I bang her.”

Visual apparition villisca.MP4 – while conducting a solo walk-through in the upstairs bedroom with the crib, Kaczmarek was sitting quietly facing the attic door when he saw something dart out of the attic and move towards the other bedroom by the stairs. (Unfortunately it wasn’t captured on his 4k Nightshot camcorder.)

We’re coming villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a deep male voice says, “We’re coming.”

What villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “Are you sorry for what you did?” A male voice comes through and replies with, “What?”

Whoops looking for them villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a voice came through that says, “Whoop” followed by “Looking for them.”

Witch villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Paranormal Puck 2b session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “What was Ronda’s job here?” The device said, “Witch.” (Our guide did mention something about witches here in the past.)

Yes I do villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “Did anyone die here?” This question was answered by, “Yes” followed by a male voice that said, “I do.”

You said hello villisca.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the Living Room, a question was asked, “Can you say hi?” A male voice says, “You said hello.”

Conclusions: The majority of the evidence collected was by Piscopo who arrived before the rest of the group and conducted solo Phasma Box sessions. There were a lot of useful interactions, names and responses while he was there by himself. The rest of the EVP sessions consisted of three Estes Methods which did not provide any useful information or communication. In fact, the sessions were not conducted properly, weren’t following standard protocols or methodologies so, in my opinion, a lot of constructive time was wasted on those sessions when other methods and equipment could have been used or experiments performed.

I have spoken about Estes at various GRS meetings with the full crew and we are attempting to put in place some rules, protocols and general instructions for future sessions. If these aren’t put in place, it is my opinion that we shouldn’t employ this form of communication anymore and focus on more proven methods that have provided evidence in the past.

This was a small but interesting house and obviously the scene of some gruesome murders over a hundred years ago in this sleepy Iowan town. Most people didn’t even lock their doors and everyone knew everyone. It is still an unsolved murder that did purportedly have a few possible suspects but those leads eventually petered out.

With the untimely death of six children and two adults one would think that there should be all kind of paranormal activity taking place here. Even our guide who has been here for over twenty years claims that the location simply isn’t that active. Perhaps part of the reason for very little experiences is the length of time since the murders. Or maybe it just takes that one special person or paranormal group visiting this location at the proper time to garner some evidence. One can only guess.

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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek