Valle of the Kings Sanctuary Investigation

For over 30 years, the Valley of the Kings has been home to tigers, lions, bears, wolves, farm animals, and many more animals in need of care and safety. They are a volunteer-run facility dedicated to the care and well-being of animals. Valley of the Kings Sanctuary and Retreat is home to 50 large cats and other animals.

They are a private, non-profit, tax-exempt charity (501(c)3). They have a board of directors with Jill E. Carnegie as the President and founder. Jill and her husband, Jim Tomasi, live in a modest farm house, with the animals they care for and love dearly.

They are 90% publicly funded with the rest coming from their family. Their very existence depends on donations from members, friends and a dedicated core of volunteers.

Please consider becoming a member or for donations to:

A 350-pound white inbred Bengal tiger attacked and killed a trainer in a freak accident in rural Alachua, Florida. This tiger was a descendant of an original inbred white tiger from 1948. So all white tigers today come from that same lineage; as this white tiger was probably a genetic freak of nature like some albino animals are.  

On October 7, 1998, Ron Guay, co-owner of Ron and Joy Holiday's Cat Dancers, was moving a 3-year-old tiger from a night kennel to an outdoor cage in a day kennel about 8am when the animal became startled and attacked another trainer.

The tiger named Jupiter, which was on a leash, became agitated when it saw strangers.  Workers at the compound who were installing a fence for a new kennel, said Sgt. Jim Troiano, a spokesman for the Alachua County Sheriff's Office.

Trainer Charles "Chuck" Edward Lizza III, 34, ran to help Guay calm the 350-pound cat. He tripped, and the tiger bit him on the neck, Troino said.

Doris Guay rushed over and helped her husband get the tiger off Lizza. Paramedics from Shands Medical Center and Newberry worked for about 30 minutes at the scene to stabilize Lizza before he was flown to Shands in Gainesville, where he died at 10:15am. The fate of Jupiter, the tiger in the attack, is up to its owners, Troiano said. The Guays, who live about 15 miles northeast of Gainesville, had raised the tiger since it was six days old.

On November 12, 1998, exactly six weeks to the day, the same tiger that killed his trainer, Charles Lizza III, now attacked and killed his owner, Joy Holiday

Ron Holiday was attempting to bring Jupiter up the ramp into his night enclosure. The owner of the tiger, Joy was already in the trailer and was going to give the tiger some treats when the tiger attacked and grabbed Joy by the neck and killed her. The tiger just continued to circle Joy’s body.

The keepers were unable to retrieve Joy’s body so, Ron, Joy’s husband came out with a handgun to shoot Jupiter, but Russell, Ron’s friend, held him down and the police were called. A SWAT team came and put the animal down.











Address: W7593 Town Hall Rd., Sharon, WI 53585

Phone: 262-736-9386

Owner: Jill Carnegie



Hauntings: There have been reports of a gentleman, called Hoppy that has been seen by Jill and others in the area of the house. He was a farmer and previous owner of the building and farm.

The trailer is definitely a source of possible paranormal activity due to two people being killed near the back doors of the trailer.

On a side note, Joy’s husband, Ron, kept hearing Chuck running up the stairs like he did when he was alive each night at the Florida home. After the house was sold, the new owners reported hearing the same thing; sounds of someone running up the stairs each night.

Jill told me that she did a clearing procedure and sent Chuck into the white light. The next day Russell, his best friend, called from Pennsylvania to say he had a dream about Chuck that night and called to thank Jill, that Chuck had made it home and was now with Joy. Russell apparently had no idea that Jill had performed the routine that evening.

Afterwards, the new owners claimed that they never heard the footsteps again in the house.








The Ghost Research Society investigated the Valley of the Kings Sanctuary on July 30, 2022 and the team members included: Mike Wright and  Dale Kaczmarek, with help from Joe and Tanya Caravello and Mark Roberts with Jill Carnegie.








Equipment setup: Mostly hand-held equipment was used such as digital cameras and recorders, a 4k Sony Nightshot camcorder, Melmeter with telescopic probe, REM Epod, green laser grid, a Samsung Galaxy S21 slim ultra for a Live Facebook and a portable laptop for the Phasma Box app.

Experiments performed: Three Phasma Box sessions were conducted in a trailer where two people were killed by a 3-year-old white tiger named Jupiter.

Personal experiences:

Mike Wright: No report.

Dale Kaczmarek: There were just a lot of random words spoken by the Phasma Box and only a few that made any sense to the area and past tragic events that happened here like, grab, white tiger.

I had heard some sounds coming from the back of the trailer where I was conducting the EVP sessions. Since there were many, many small domesticated and feral cats on the property, it was possible that one or more of them had gained access to the trailer even though it would have been quite a jump from the ground to the back of the structure.

Evidence collected:

Grabbed votk.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the trailer, the device said, “Grabbed.” (Jupiter, the tiger, did grab and kill both his trainer and owner.)

Hoppy wasn’t here votk.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the trailer, a question was asked, “Is there another individual around here?” The device responded with what sounds like, “Hoppy”. (Hoppy was the name of the previous owner who lived there.) A follow up question was asked, “Hoppy are you here with us?” The device said, “Wasn’t here.”

What tiger votk.MP4 – while conducting a Phasma Box session in the trailer, the device suddenly blurted out, “What (white) tiger.”

Words or phrases spoken by the Phasma Box: seven, camera, one, grabbed, what (white) tiger, I love you, good-bye, we’re leaving, nonsensical, Hoppy, wasn’t here, radio & makes sense.

Conclusions: There were only a few intelligent responses to questions asked, however there were two words that came through the Phasma Box that was interesting; grab and white tiger. The word, seven, was also spoken and the first death occurred on October 7th. I did not feel anything out of the ordinary while visiting or investigating this massive area.

I did, however, find the tiger sanctuary to be a beautiful and fascinating location. I was able to get much closer to these wild animals that anyone visiting a public zoo would be able to. I came within twelve inches of some lovely animals such as tigers, goats, donkeys and birds. In fact, one tiger, according to Carnegie, was actually vocalizing to me when I approached it. Imagine that, a wild animal that was actually attempting to communicate with me?

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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek