Myrtle's Plantation Ghost

Many ghosts roam the halls of this bed and breakfast, built in 1796 by General David Bradford. There have been ten murders in the house, plus at least one suicide. A frequent visitor is the ghost of Chloe, a former slave hung for murdering two little girls. General Bradford's son-in-law, Clarke Woodruff, cut off the black woman's ear for eavesdropping, and she took her revenge by mixing oleander into the children's birthday cake. Ghosts from the slave graveyard on the property still report for chores and the ghosts of the two children poisoned by Chloe play on the verandah. This photograph shows what many believe to be the ghost of Chloe seen standing between the two buildings. The Myrtle's Plantation is located on Hwy 61, 3 miles north of St. Francisville, Louisiana and reservations for the B&B can be made at 504-635-6277.

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