Writers' Guidelines For Ghostly Whisper

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All material should be typewritten on either a word processor, typewriter or home computer and should be double-spaced. If you don't have access to any of the above, then please be sure to print neatly. I cannot be responsible for unreadable print.

Articles should be non-fiction occult-related. Subjects include: ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists, life after death, psychic experiences, psychic criminology, parapsychology, psychic or spirit photography, EVP (electronic voice phenomena), near-death experiences, psycho kinesis or any personal experience you might have had.

Subject matter which is unwanted includes: Satanism, UFOs, dowsing, channeling, crystals, numerology, astrology, witchcraft, or any other subject unrelated to parapsychology in general. We also do not want fiction or comics currently.

We are also looking for book reviews, movie critiques, poetry, artwork, photographs or equipment analysis. Book reviews should contain the following information: title, author, publisher, publishers address, cost, # of pages, type of book (soft cover, paperback, etc.), copyright date and ISBN number. Movie critiques should include; title, director, film company, main actors, length, year of release and overall opinion. Please ask for list of book and movies already reviewed before submitting your own.

All of the above can also be sent directly to us in Word Perfect or Microsoft Word, Adobe format. Stories can also be emailed as attachments.

When your article is published you will receive full credit for the article. Please let us know if you wish your full name and mailing address and/or phone number to accompany the article. 

Articles can be any length you want and if they are extremely long, they may be split up between several issues at the publishers discretion. You may submit pictures or photographs of yourself to go along with the article.

Always include some kind of title for your story. 

Send all articles to Dale Kaczmarek, President, c/o Ghost Research Society, PO Box 205, Oak Lawn, IL. 60454-0205, (708)425- 5163.

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© 2006 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek