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The following list is the Chain of Command for the Ghost Research Society and what functions the various officers are expected to perform.
Dale D. Kaczmarek, oversees all functions of the main branch located in Oak Lawn,
Illinois. He currently publishes and edits The Journal and formerly the Ghost
Trackers Newsletter, directs "Excursions Into The Unknown, Inc." and coordinates the
Midwest Ghost Exposition. Dale also directly coordinates all State Coordinators
nationally and Area Research Directors in overseas countries. Dale is also CEO
of Ghost Research Society Press, Executive Producer of GRS Productions and
author of six books.
Chris Wallbruch, takes minutes at all Bi-Monthly meetings, assists with distribution
of material, maintains a record of all Active Members and corresponds through email
to interested parties such as clients, other researchers and/or to send thank you
or condolence notices. Chris is also responsible for writing up the final reports
of investigations.
Mark Wallbruch is responsible for security purpose due to his Black Belt in
Tae Kwon Do. He is in charge of security at both Bi-Monthly Meetings, Field
Excursions and Special or Haunted House Investigations. Mark also
safeguards all items, equipment or personal associated with the GRS during such
outings. He is also special assistant to Electronic Expert, Stan Suho.
ASSISTANT/RECORDING SECRETARY: Mike Rosario holds a dual role in the GRS. He
is the Research Assistant. In that role he helps in research, history and
genealogy at haunted locations that the organization is expected to investigate.
He also takes, records and publishes the Ghost Research Society Bi-Monthly
Meeting Minutes. His dedication and enthusiasm has earned him the right to be
appointed to both of these very important roles.
STATE COORDINATORS: State coordinators are the Regional Directors to the GRS President and are their state's official representative. Their duties are to assist the President in recruiting new members, conduct area research, submitting newspaper clippings, strange photographs and other forms of data. Also they are in charge of groups and branches in their specific area and may be in charge of field excursions authorized by the President. They must have a good working knowledge of Parapsychology and be willing to run field excursions in their respective state. Minimum age requirement is 21 and they have Sustaining Member Status.
Nicole Strickland
Nicole Strickland is an educator with a local San Diego school District. She obtained here B.A. degree in Media Arts from the University of Arizona and an M.S. degree in Educational Counseling Pupil Personnel Services Credential from National University. I am a paranormal investigator, author and researcher and has had a life-long interest for the paranormal. She has experienced paranormal phenomena since childhood, which has propelled her to get involved with investigating and researching the field as an adult, Nicole has a lot of experience working with children from various age groups, backgrounds and cultures, which makes her invaluable on paranormal cases involving children. She has authored a number of books including: Haunted Queen of the Seas, Field Guide to Southern California Hauntings and Spirited Queen Mary. Her latest book is entitled, Spirits of Rancho Buena Vista Adobe. She is the Founder, Co-Director and Case Manager of San Diego Paranormal Research Society and is the California State Coordinator for the Ghost Research Society.
Mr. Bailey is a highly qualified and motivated individual who has been involved in numerous Haunted House Investigations within his native state. He has contributed to Ghost Trackers Newsletter
Mr. Goodwin has been a GRS member since 1991 and is author of "Ghosts of Jefferson Barracks". He has been a contributor to Ghost Trackers Newsletter and has assisted the GRS President with regional ghost stories of Missouri. He is a graduate of the St. Louis Police Academy. Mr. Goodwin has recently returned from Iraq after serving his country proudly.
Randolph Liebeck (NJ)
Mr. Liebeck has been a GRS member since 1992. A career law enforcement officer and national security operations specialist with the federal government, he brings a lifetime of skill and experience as a police investigator to the field of paranormal phenomena.
Nancy Guss
Nancy Guss have been a GRS member since 2006 and is a Lifetime Member. She and her late husband, Dave have greatly helped with promotional material; caps, jackets, key chains, buttons, etc. and have shown a great enthusiasm for the paranormal. Dave died in May of 2012 and is greatly missed by all!
Williams (IN)
Charles Williams has been a GRS member since 2015 and has been involved in the paranormal field for many years. His expertise in Hoosier sites makes him ideal for this position. He is also the official Videographer for the GRS, runs his own Podcast and is a professional nurse.
Richard Senate is from California, has long been a GRS Special
Consultant and is a frequent contributor to both the Ghost Trackers Newsletter
and The Journal. Special Consultants are called upon by the GRS for expert
opinions in the subject of the supernatural and/or the paranormal and are
individuals residing within the United States that are not necessarily members
of the GRS. Author of numerous books including "Ghosts Of Ventura". He also runs
ghost tours and has taught classes on ghost hunting.
Dennis William Hauck (CA)
Mr. Hauck has been a GRS member since 1991 and is author of "National Directory of Haunted Places" and "International Directory of Haunted Places". He has appeared on numerous documentaries including "Mysteries Of The Gods" hosted by William Shatner. Mr. Hauck has been a frequent contributor to Ghost Trackers Newsletter.
AREA RESEARCH DIRECTORS: Area Research Directors report directly to the State Coordinator of their respective state. Their responsibilities are to assemble data in all forms and pass that information to the State Coordinators, which then, report to the President. He or she would be next in line to the State Coordinator and would directly help in gathering research material for planned field excursions authorized by the President. Area Research Directors may also be a State Coordinator in a foreign country. Minimum age requirement is 21 and must have at least Sustaining Member Status.
FIELD INVESTIGATORS: Field Investigators are people used in the field investigations to assist State Coordinators, Area Research Directors and/or the GRS President in examining or gathering data during GRS outings. Field Investigators are vitally important to the GRS and its constituents as they are directly responsible for work conducted during GRS outings and reporting their data to their superiors. Minimum age requirement is 21 and must have Sustaining Member Status or above.
PATRON MEMBERS: Patron Members are slightly elevated above Sustaining Member status and enjoy the same privileges as Sustaining Members including a 20% discount on GRS material and/or activities, no cost for out-of-print newsletters and elevated status to join in on investigations.
SUSTAINING MEMBERS: Sustaining Members have the opportunity of helping in ghost research, special investigations and field excursions. Not quite as involved as a Field Investigator, he/she is able to join in on- the-job training (OJT). Benefits include: GRS button, T-shirt, discounts on new and used books, 10% discount on "Excursions Into The Unknown, Inc." and GRS-sponsored events and two back issues to the Ghost Trackers Newsletter if out-of-state or three issues of The Journal for those able to make the Bi-Monthly meetings.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Associate Members receive all the same benefits as the Sustaining Members. This level of membership is only for new members for their first year of membership.
If you are interested in becoming any of the above, please mail your request to the attention of Dale Kaczmarek, President, GRS, PO Box 205, Oak Lawn, IL. 60454-0205 or call (708)425-5163. You will be asked to fill out and return a request for active research form with a current picture of yourself before your request will be considered.
You must be age 21 or over to become a member of the GRS or any officer position.
There are many openings in Illinois and other states for the above positions. But you may want to apply as soon as possible.
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Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek