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John Cachel: I have been a member of the GRS since 1997 and have recently upgraded to a Lifetime Membership. I am interested in all aspects of the paranormal.
Nancy Guss: They have been members since July 2006 and have
always believed in ghosts. Dave seen what he thought was a ghost; once at
Lithuanian National Cemetery in 1998 while cleaning the graves of kin buried
there. His mother was also a witness. The apparition was in full dress uniform,
an officer. He walked up to a grave, saluted, then just walked away. The
other encounter was at the Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois with the GRS in
October of 2007. The GRS are a great bunch of people and we are proud to be
members of this group! Nancy is the Kentucky State Coordinator. Dave died in May
of 2012.
Judy Huff Vondersmith: I had originally joined the GRS back in 1991. I helped investigate Bachelor's Grove Cemetery where I took the very famous ghost lady sitting on a tombstone with my 35mm camera loaded with infrared film. I had to leave the group for awhile but rejoined again. I am married and live in Marietta, Georgia.
Mari Huff: I have been interested in the paranormal since I was a child. My maternal grandmother was a practicing psychic, so it was not unusual to have spirits manifest in our childhood home. When I’m not working I enjoy reading about the paranormal and Chicago history. I also love exploring old cemeteries. My first experience with the Ghost Research Society was in the 1990’s, and I’m a returning member. I’m always learning something from Dale and his crew. Glad to be a member.
Kaczmarek: I am the President and Founder of the GRS and have been
interested in ghosts since childhood. I have been actively researching the
phenomena since 1975 and founded the GRS in 1977. I conduct Excursions Into The
Unknown, Inc. haunted bus tours since 1982. I am CEO of GRS Press
producing high quality ghost books since 2004 and Executive Producer for GRS
Productions. I believe I have seen many ghosts in the 45+ years that I've
been involved in this field and have authored six books including, "Windy
City Ghosts", "Windy City Ghosts II", "Field Guide to Spirit
Photography", "Illuminating the Darkness: The Mystery of
Spooklights", "Field Guide to Ghost Hunting Techniques" and
"Field Guide to Haunted Highways and Bridges".
Randolph Liebeck: Mr. Liebeck has been a GRS member since 1992. A career law enforcement officer and national security operations specialist with the federal government, he brings a lifetime of skill and experience as a police investigator to the field of paranormal phenomena. I am the New Jersey State Coordinator for the GRS.
Lovatt: I have been a member of GRS since May 2018. I have been
exploring the paranormal for a number of years that started because of interest
in the holiday of Halloween. A friend an I one night were reading about
the paranormal and we decided to research a few places near were he lived in
Plainfield Illinois. There were a few locations in the city of Joliet that
we checked out but one place in particular is the place that get me really
interested and that was a building that was being used my a religious
organization and we could be access too. We went in during the night when
no one was there and I had 2 experiences that were amazing. The first was
in an office when I went in I felt that some one else was with us and then I saw
a shadow shoot past me into another room. I went into that room and the
shadow shot past me again and back into the room I was originally in. The
other thing was in the basement where I felt a cold spot in the middle of the
room that was the spirit of a little girl who died there. Both of those
experiences really peaked my interest so i started the hang out in graveyards
but could not get access to haunted buildings till I got involved in the group
Haunted Rockford. Since then I have also gotten married and my wife (who
now shares in this interest) and I have together explored graveyards and also
many haunted locations. I look forward to taking the next step in
paranormal investigations by learning from this group and becoming a better
Rosario: After having joined the Society in June of 2017, my interest
in the paranormal, as well as the scientific aspect behind it, has peaked
significantly throughout the years, because I am learning something new in this
field every single day. It is such
an extraordinary Society of hard-working colleagues with an abundance of talent
expounding credible achievements, and their extraordinary professionalism to
seek the existence of the afterlife, and the absolute exploration to find what
life is like after we pass onwards to the other side.
My background in the paranormal stems all the way back to when I had my
very first experience at a very early age. Since then, I have forever been
fascinated with the field to the point of doing extensive studying and
scientific research about it. The more I researched and investigated the
subject the more I became fascinated with this field.
I have read works by famous authors in the field including the late-great
Richard T. Crowe, Amelia Cotter, Hans Holzer, Troy Taylor, and even Dale
Kaczmarek, the current president of the Ghost Research Society.
I also have been studying a bit of parapsychology, with works authored by
the famously well-known parapsychologist, Dr. William G. Roll. My areas of
expertise include strong writing and research skills.
On my leisure time, I enjoy listening to Classical music as well as other
great performing artists, and viewing the arts as well. I am also a
Titanic (Olympic-Class Liner), Airliner, Locomotive, and a dedicated Paranormal
and History enthusiast. I currently hold three degrees in law enforcement,
and soon will be going back to school for a Doctorate in the same field with
prospective plans on becoming a teacher at the community college and university
levels. I also have a book in the works that I am trying to self-publish
as well. I have known Mr. Kaczmarek, personally, for nearly
sixteen years now. I first saw him on a paranormal video pack that I bought many
years ago entitled “Ghost Stories,” hosted by the late legendary
actor, Patrick MacNee. When I
finally met him in person in 2002, I was ecstatic to learn more from him, and
eventually taking part in an excursion/tour, and do some real-time public
investigative work with one of the best and true authoritative notable figures
known nationally and internationally in the paranormal field! To date, I
have visited many haunted locations around the United States.
I have also worked with many scientific equipment, including Mel Meters,
K-II/EMF meters, SLS Cameras, night-vision cameras, IR illuminators,
full-spectrum cameras/camcorders, digital cameras, 35mm cameras, Polaroid
cameras, laser grids, digital voice recorders, dowsing rods, The Ghost Box, and
currently, the Phasma Box, just to name a few. I am also really excited to
learn much more about the other equipment the GRS has to offer for prospective
investigations, as well as visiting other haunted locations throughout the
nation with an objective to further understand this field more in depth, and to
get a further understanding of the afterlife, if there is one, and how to
properly communicate with those on the other side through variously
tested and approved scientific equipment. My role as a member of the GRS
team is to assist the president and other team members with investigations,
meetings, setting up equipment, gathering and analyzing scientific
evidence/data, assisting with interviews, and help write and deliver
professional reports on our findings/results to clients. I am currently
the Research Assistant, and the group’s Secretary during GRS meetings, either
whilst during Zoom sessions or at the GRS Headquarters.
When I become a more advanced member, I would not mind
teaching/training prospective GRS members the ropes as well. During
the past five years being with the Ghost Research Society, it truly has been an
exciting adventure, and I look forward to many great years ahead with them!
Strickland: Nicole Strickland is an educator with a local San Diego
school District. She obtained here B.A. degree in Media Arts from the University
of Arizona and an M.S. degree in Educational Counseling Pupil Personnel Services
Credential from National University. I am a paranormal investigator,
author and researcher and has had a life-long interest for the paranormal. She
has experienced paranormal phenomena since childhood, which has propelled her to
get involved with investigating and researching the field as an adult, Nicole
has a lot of experience working with children from various age groups,
backgrounds and cultures, which makes her invaluable on paranormal cases
involving children. She has authored a number of books including: Haunted
Queen of the Seas, Field Guide to Southern California Hauntings and Spirited
Queen Mary. Her latest book is entitled, Spirits of Rancho Buena Vista
Adobe. She is the Founder, Co-Director and Case Manager of San Diego
Paranormal Research Society and is the California State Coordinator for the
Ghost Research Society.
Chris Wallbruch: I am a veteran member of the GRS and serve as the group's Corresponding Secretary (a title I also hold in at least four other organizations!) I am a middle school band director in Villa Park and can usually be found sitting on the floor during investigations, muttering to myself as I feverishly fill up notebooks with notes. In my spare time, I am an active volunteer at Cat Guardians and Feral Fixers (a non-for-profit organization promoting TNR in DuPage County) and can often be found at the horse barn riding Buck.
Mark Wallbruch: I serve at the group's Sergeant-At-Arms due to my imposing size and Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. I am an engineering network technician at Comcast and I'm Stan Suho's right-hand man for electronics set-up during investigations. In my spare time, I am an active volunteer at Cat Guardians (a non-for-profit no-kill cat shelter in my home town). I also enjoy photography and I'm an avid traveler.
Sandra Weber: I am relatively inexperienced in the field of paranormal investigation, although I have had my own share of unexplained encounters with "something". I bring to the group my enthusiasm about this great adventure into the realm of the unknown, as well as a healthy dose of skepticism about undocumented claims
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