Ghost Trackers Newsletter

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In 1982, Mr. Kaczmarek began producing the Ghost Trackers Newsletter which was the official quarterly publication of the GRS. The newsletter told about the various sites around the Chicagoland area and the suburbs which the GRS had investigated and were allegedly haunted. The newsletter had expanded to include reports from around the world and did come out three times a year; February, June and October.

The newsletter has regular writers who produce their own columns namely: Richard Senate--ghost hunter from Ventura, California and other columns and articles from State Coordinators to members and non-members alike. Ghost Trackers Newsletter devotes each and every issue strictly to the reporting of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists and life and death articles and never deviated from that. The final Farewell issue came out in October in 2001 after some 19 years of publishing.

Many old back issues of this very popular publication are still available on the website at the backlist link below. All newsletters are shipped FREE of charge. Order yours today before they are gone forever!

Farewell Issue - October 2001

In this issue:

  • Grace, the Ghost of Big Moose Lake
  • A Night with the Baron & Baroness
  • The Hummingbird
  • Ghost Dog
  • The Ghosts of the Valley Moon Saloon
  • Readers Stories
  • Regular features:
    • GRS & Editor's Page
    • Reviews

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© 2001 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek